Review ID Unique identifier for the review | Field ID | id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Review URL Link to the original review on Tripadvisor | Field ID | url | Type | URL | Data Type | dimension |
Rating Star rating given in the review | Field ID | rating | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Review Title Title of the review | Field ID | title | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Review Text Text content of the review | Field ID | text | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Reviewer Name Name of the reviewer | Field ID | reviewer | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Reviewer Avatar URL of the reviewer's avatar image | Field ID | reviewer_avatar | Type | URL | Data Type | dimension |
Review Date Date when the review was posted | Field ID | datetime | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Language Language of the review | Field ID | language | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Reply Text Text content of the reply from management | Field ID | reply.text | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Reply Date Date when the reply was posted | Field ID | reply.datetime | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Value Rating Rating for value | Field ID | value_rating | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Service Rating Rating for service | Field ID | service_rating | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Sleep Quality Rating Rating for sleep quality | Field ID | sleep_quality_rating | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Location Rating Rating for location | Field ID | location_rating | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Cleanliness Rating Rating for cleanliness | Field ID | cleanliness_rating | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Review Count Total number of reviews for the entity | Field ID | review_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Average Rating Average rating across all reviews | Field ID | average_rating | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Year Year such as 2017. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR | Type | YEAR | Data Type | dimension |
Year Quarter Year and quarter. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_QUARTER | Type | YEAR_QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Year month Year and month. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH | Type | YEAR_MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Year week Year and week. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_WEEK | Type | YEAR_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_QUARTER | Type | QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Month of the year Month of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH | Type | MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Week of the year Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_WEEK | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Month and day Month and day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH_DAY | Type | MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Date and Hour Month and day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Data Type | dimension |
Date Year month day data | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the week Day of the week | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK | Type | DAY_OF_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the year Day of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY | Type | DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. | Field ID | _catchr_date_extract | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND | Data Type | dimension |
Platform Name Return the platform name | Field ID | _catchr_platform_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |