
Datasources and destinations

Fields listing for TikTok Ads

Advertiser ID
Get the Advertiser ID.
Field IDadvertiser/id
Data Typedimension
Advertiser name
Get the Advertiser name.
Field IDadvertiser/name
Data Typedimension
Advertiser address information
Get the Advertiser address information.
Field IDadvertiser/address
Data Typedimension
Advertiser's company name
Get the Advertiser's company name.
Field IDadvertiser/company
Data Typedimension
Contact Person
Get the Contact Person.
Field IDadvertiser/contacter
Data Typedimension
The advertiser's country
Get the The advertiser's country.
Field IDadvertiser/country
Data Typedimension
Type of currency used by advertisers
Get the Type of currency used by advertisers.
Field IDadvertiser/currency
Data Typedimension
Brand description, i.e. promotional content
Get the Brand description, i.e. promotional content.
Field IDadvertiser/description
Data Typedimension
Advertiser contact email, desensitised data
Get the Advertiser contact email, desensitised data.
Field IDadvertiser/email
Data Typedimension
Advertiser industry category
Get the Advertiser industry category.
Field IDadvertiser/industry
Data Typedimension
Advertiser Language
Get the Language used by advertisers.
Field IDadvertiser/language
Data Typedimension
License number
Get the License number.
Field IDadvertiser/license_no
Data Typedimension
License URL
Get the License preview address, the link is valid for an hour by default.
Field IDadvertiser/license_url
Data Typedimension
Phone Number
Get the Contact mobile number, desensitised data.
Field IDadvertiser/phonenumber
Data Typedimension
Reason for rejection
Get the Reason for rejection.
Field IDadvertiser/reason
Data Typedimension
Advertiser role
Get the Advertiser role.
Field IDadvertiser/role
Data Typedimension
Advertiser status
Get the Advertiser status.
Field IDadvertiser/status
Data Typedimension
GMT Timezone
Get the Ad account time zone including GMT offset. For example, "Etc/GMT".
Field IDadvertiser/timezone
Data Typedimension
Get the Timezone name in the format of "Region/City" (based on the TZ database name conventions. For example, "Europe/London".
Field IDadvertiser/display_timezone
Data Typedimension
Account available balance
Get the Account available balance(The unit is related to the advertiser's currency type currency).
Field IDadvertiser/balance
Data Typedimension
Advertiser's create time
Get the Advertiser's create time.
Field IDadvertiser/create_time
Data Typedimension
Year such as 2017.
Data Typedimension
Year Quarter
Year and quarter.
Data Typedimension
Year month
Year and month.
Data Typedimension
Year week
Year and week.
Data Typedimension
Year, month, and day.
Data Typedimension
Year month day hour
Year, month, day, and hour.
Data Typedimension
Quarter of the year
Quarter of the year
Data Typedimension
Month of the year
Month of the year
Data Typedimension
Week of the year
Week of the year
Data Typedimension
Month and day
Month and day
Data Typedimension
Day of the week
Week of the year
Data Typedimension
Day of the month
Day of the year
Data Typedimension
Hour of the day
Hour of the day
Data Typedimension
(deprecated) Stat Time Day
Field IDstat_time_day
Data Typemetric
(deprecated) Stat time Hour
Field IDstat_time_hour
Data Typemetric
The spend
Field IDspend
Data Typemetric
Field IDcpc
Data Typemetric
The cpm
Field IDcpm
Data Typemetric
The impressions
Field IDimpressions
Data Typemetric
The clicks
Field IDclicks
Data Typemetric
The ctr
Field IDctr
Data Typemetric
The Reach
Field IDreach
Data Typemetric
Cost Per 1000 Reached
The cost per 1000 reached.
Field IDcost_per_1000_reached
Data Typemetric
The Conversions.
Field IDconversion
Data Typemetric
Cost Per Conversion
The cost per conversions.
Field IDcost_per_conversion
Data Typemetric
Conversion Rate
The conversion rate.
Field IDconversion_rate
Data Typemetric
Real Time Conversion
The real time conversion
Field IDreal_time_conversion
Data Typemetric
Real Time Cost Per Conversion
The real time cost per conversion
Field IDreal_time_cost_per_conversion
Data Typemetric
Real Time Conversion Rate
The reat time conversion rate
Field IDreal_time_conversion_rate
Data Typemetric
Campaign ID
Get the Campaign ID.
Field IDcampaign/campaign_id
Data Typedimension
Campaign name
Get the Campaign name.
Field IDcampaign/campaign_name
Data Typedimension
Campaign Type
Get the Campaign Type, indicates the campaign is a regular campaign or iOS 14 campaign. Enum values: REGULAR_CAMPAIGN and IOS14_CAMPAIGN.
Field IDcampaign/campaign_type
Data Typedimension
Campaign budget
Get the Campaign budget.
Field IDcampaign/budget
Data Typedimension
Budget type
Get the Budget type.
Field IDcampaign/budget_mode
Data Typedimension
Campaign status
Get the Campaign status(Secondary status).
Field IDcampaign/status
Data Typedimension
Campaign Operation status
Get the Operation status. Enum values: DISABLE, ENABLE.
Field IDcampaign/opt_status
Data Typedimension
Campaign type
Get the Campaign type (application or landing page). Allowed values include: APP(application), LANDING_PAGE(Landing page).
Field IDcampaign/objective
Data Typedimension
Advertising objective
Get the Advertising objective.
Field IDcampaign/objective_type
Data Typedimension
Budget Optimize Switch
Whether Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled. Return only when Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled.
Field IDcampaign/budget_optimize_switch
Data Typedimension
Bidding strategy
Get the Bidding strategy on the campaign level. Return only when Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled.
Field IDcampaign/bid_type
Data Typedimension
Campaign Optimization goal
Get the Optimization goal. Return only when Campaign Budget Optimization is enabled.
Field IDcampaign/optimize_goal
Data Typedimension
Split Test variables
Get the Split Test variables. Optional values: TARGETING, BIDDING_OPTIMIZATION , CREATIVE. Null means that the campaign will not be a Split Test Campaign.
Field IDcampaign/split_test_variable
Data Typedimension
Campaign Is a new structure
Whether the campaign is a new structure (for the same campaign, the structure of campaign, adgroups and ads are the same).
Field IDcampaign/is_new_structure
Data Typedimension
Campaign Create Time
Time at which the campaign was created.
Field IDcampaign/create_time
Data Typedimension
Campaign Modify Time
Get the Time at which the campaign was Modified.
Field IDcampaign/modify_time
Data Typedimension
Ad group ID
Get the Ad group ID.
Field IDad_group/adgroup_id
Data Typedimension
Ad group Name
Get the Ad group Name.
Field IDad_group/adgroup_name
Data Typedimension
Placement type
Get the Placement type. Allowed values: PLACEMENT_TYPE_AUTOMATIC (automatic placement), PLACEMENT_TYPE_NORMAL (manual placement).
Field IDad_group/placement_type
Data Typedimension
Inventory filtering
Get the Inventory filtering (filtering security videos, hides unsafe videos), valid only for the PLACEMENT_TIKTOK placement. Optional values are: true to filter, false not to filter..
Field IDad_group/enable_inventory_filter
Data Typedimension
Is comment disable
Whether to allow comments on your ads on TikTok, Vigo, Helo. Enum values: 0 (allow), 1 (restrict). The default calue is allow.
Field IDad_group/is_comment_disable
Data Typedimension
Application id
Get the Application id of the promoted app.
Field IDad_group/app_id
Data Typedimension
Promotion type
Get the Promotion type.
Field IDad_group/external_type
Data Typedimension
App download link
Get the App download link.
Field IDad_group/app_download_url
Data Typedimension
Pixel ID
Get the Pixel ID. Only application for landing pages.
Field IDad_group/pixel_id
Data Typedimension
External Action
Get the Conversion event for the ad group.
Field IDad_group/external_action
Data Typedimension
Deep External Action
Get the Secondary-goal event when the optimize_goal is INSTALL or VALUE..
Field IDad_group/deep_external_action
Data Typedimension
Creative delivery mode
Get the Creative delivery mode. Note: When you choose automated ad, your creative materials will automatically be combined for delivery. Tiktok Ads' smart optimization algorithm is applied and will be used to achieve the best ad performance during delivery. Enum values: CUSTOM(custom), DYNAMIC(automated).
Field IDad_group/creative_material_mode
Data Typedimension
App retargeting audience type
Get the App retargeting audience type. For enum values, see Enumeration - App Retargeting Audience Type..
Field IDad_group/audience_type
Data Typedimension
Whether the promoted product is HFSS foods (foods that are high in fat, salt, or sugar).
Field IDad_group/is_hfss
Data Typedimension
Adgroup Gender
Get the Gender that you want to target. Enum: GENDER_FEMALE,GENDER_MALE,GENDER_UNLIMITED.
Field IDad_group/gender
Data Typedimension
Minimum Android version
Get the Minimum Android version.
Field IDad_group/android_osv
Data Typedimension
IOS target devices
The iOS devices that you want to target.UNSET: This is the previous default value of the field.IOS14_MINUS: Devices with iOS 14.4 or earlier version that are not affected by the iOS 14 privacy update. This is the default value for ad groups that are created after the introduction of this field.IOS14_PLUS: Devices with iOS 14.5 and above. The iOS 14 privacy update has been enforced in this group of devices..
Field IDad_group/ios_target_device
Data Typedimension
Audience minimum ios version
Get the Audience minimum ios version.
Field IDad_group/ios_osv
Data Typedimension
Get the .
Field IDad_group/budget_mode
Data Typedimension
Budget mode
Get the Budget mode.
Field IDad_group/budget
Data Typedimension
Schedule type
The schedule type can be either SCHEDULE_START_END or SCHEDULE_FROM_NOW. If you choose SCHEDULE_START_END, you need to specify a start time and an end time. If you choose SCHEDULE_FROM_NOW, you only need to specify a start time.
Field IDad_group/schedule_type
Data Typedimension
Ad delivery start time
Get the Ad delivery start time (UTC+0). Format should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Field IDad_group/schedule_start_time
Data Typedimension
Ad delivery end time
Get the Ad delivery end time (UTC+0). Format should be YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Field IDad_group/schedule_end_time
Data Typedimension
Ad delivery arrangement
Ad delivery arrangement, in the format of a string that consists of 48 x 7 characters. Each character is mapped to a 30-minute timeframe from Monday to Sunday. Each character can be set to either 0 or 1. 1 represents delivery in the 30-minute timeframe, and 0 stands for non-delivery in the 30-minute timeframe. The first character is mapped to 0:01-0:30 of Monday; The second character is mapped to 0:31-1:00 of Monday, and the last character represents 23:31-0:00 Sunday.NoteNot specified, all-0, or all-1 are considered as full-time delivery.
Field IDad_group/dayparting
Data Typedimension
AdGroup Optimization goal
Get the Optimization goal.
Field IDad_group/optimize_goal
Data Typedimension
Optimized video playback
Get the Optimized video playback duration. Optional values include: SIX_SECONDS (video playback 6 seconds) and TWO_SECONDS (video playback 2 seconds).
Field IDad_group/cpv_video_duration
Data Typedimension
Conversion window
Get the The time frame when you would like a conversion to happen after a user clicks on or views your ad. Your ad delivery will be optimized using the conversion data during the time frame you select. This setting will not impact your attribution data.
Field IDad_group/conversion_window
Data Typedimension
Get the You can choose between PACING_MODE_SMOOTH and PACING_MODE_FAST. For PACING_MODE_SMOOTH, the budget is allocated evenly within the scheduled time. PACING_MODE_FAST would consume budget and produce results as soon as possible. When Campaign Budget Optimization (budget_optimize_switch) is on, your setting will be ignored and it will be set as PACING_MODE_SMOOTH. Otherwise, this field is required.
Field IDad_group/pacing
Data Typedimension
Bid method
Get the Bid method.
Field IDad_group/billing_event
Data Typedimension
Skip learning phase
Whether to skip the learning stage. Optional values include: 0 (not skip), 1 (skip).
Field IDad_group/skip_learning_phase
Data Typedimension
Bidding Strategy
Get the Bidding Strategy.
Field IDad_group/bid_type
Data Typedimension
Get the CPC, CPM bidding, oCPM learning bidding.
Field IDad_group/bid
Data Typedimension
oCPM conversion bid
Get the oCPM conversion bid.
Field IDad_group/conversion_bid
Data Typedimension
Bidding strategy for in-app events
Get the Bidding strategy for in-app events.
Field IDad_group/deep_bid_type
Data Typedimension
Deep bid
Get the Deep bid.
Field IDad_group/deep_cpabid
Data Typedimension
Ad group status
Get the Ad group status.
Field IDad_group/status
Data Typedimension
Operational status
Get the Operational status. Enum: DISABLE (ad group is disabled), ENABLE (ad group is enabled), FROZEN (terminated and cannot be used again).
Field IDad_group/opt_status
Data Typedimension
Get the frequency, together with frequency_schedule, controls how often people see your ad (only available for REACH ads). For example, frequency = 2 frequency_schedule = 3 means "show ads no more than twice every 3 day".
Field IDad_group/frequency
Data Typedimension
Frequency schedule
Get the frequency, together with frequency, controls how often people see your ad (only available for REACH ads).
Field IDad_group/frequency_schedule
Data Typedimension
Conversion bid statistic type
Get the conversion bid statistic type, bid for EVERYTIME (Each Purchase)/ NONE (Unique Purchase).
Field IDad_group/statistic_type
Data Typedimension
Video Download
Whether users can download your video ads on TikTok. Allowed values: ALLOW_DOWNLOAD ,PREVENT_DOWNLOAD Default: ALLOW_DOWNLOAD.
Field IDad_group/video_download
Data Typedimension
Billing method of Reach & Frequency ad groups
Get the Billing method of Reach & Frequency ad groups. For more details, see Enumeration - Reach & Frequency Buy Type. Returned when objective_type of the related campaign is RF_REACH.
Field IDad_group/rf_buy_type
Data Typedimension
Impressions to be purchased
Get the Impressions to be purchased. Returned when objective_type of the related campaign is RF_REACH.
Field IDad_group/buy_impression
Data Typedimension
Purchased user reach
Get the Purchased user reach. Returned when objective_type of the related campaign is RF_REACH.
Field IDad_group/buy_reach
Data Typedimension
Estimated cost per mile reach
Get the estimated cost per mile reach. Returned when objective_type of the related campaign is RF_REACH.
Field IDad_group/rf_predict_cpr
Data Typedimension
Estimated show frequency
Get the estimated show frequency. Returned when objective_type of the related campaign is RF_REACH.
Field IDad_group/rf_predict_frequency
Data Typedimension
Is New Structure
Whether the campaign is a new structure
Field IDad_group/is_new_structure
Data Typedimension
Catalog ID
Get the Catalog ID。Return when the corresponding campaign objective_type is CATALOG_SALES.
Field IDad_group/catalog_id
Data Typedimension
ProductSet ID
Get the ProductSet ID of the catalog. 0 means selecting all product sets.Return when the corresponding campaign objective_type is CATALOG_SALES.
Field IDad_group/product_set_id
Data Typedimension
Catalogue authorized in Business Center
For catalogs in Business Center, this field returns the ID of the Business Center that a catalog belongs to.
Field IDad_group/catalog_authorized_bc
Data Typedimension
Types of ad redirection in the catalog
Get the types of ad redirection in the catalog. Returned when the corresponding campaign objective_type is CATALOG_SALES.
Field IDad_group/dpa_retargeting_type
Data Typedimension
Brand safety type
Get the Brand safety type. Currently, the only supported value is THIRD_PARTY. To get the countries and regions that your ads can be deployed to based on your brand safety settings, use the /tools/regions/ endpoint. You need to pass in the brand safety type and brand safety partner.
Field IDad_group/brand_safety
Data Typedimension
Brand safety partner
Get the Brand safety partner. Available only when brand_safety is THIRD_PARTY. Enum values: IAS, OPEN_SLATE. To get the countries and regions that your ads can be deployed to based on your brand safety settings, use the /tools/regions/ endpoint. You need to pass in the brand safety type and brand safety partner.
Field IDad_group/brand_safety_partner
Data Typedimension
Instant page type
Get the Instant page type in your ad group. Currently, the only supported type is TIKTOK_NATIVE_PAGE, which stands for TikTok instant pages. null means no instant pages are used in the ad group.
Field IDad_group/promotion_website_type
Data Typedimension
IOS quota type
Whether the campaign will be counted against the iOS 14 dedicated campaign quota. Enum: OCCUPIED, UNOCCUPIED. For non-R&F campaigns, when ios_target_device is IOS14_PLUS, this field is automatically set to OCCUPIED.
Field IDad_group/ios_quota_type
Data Typedimension
ROAS goal for Value Optimization
Get the ROAS goal for Value Optimization.
Field IDad_group/roas_bid
Data Typedimension
AdGroup Create Time
Time at which the Ad Group was created.
Field IDad_group/create_time
Data Typedimension
AdGroup Modify Time
Get the Time at which the Ad Group was Modified.
Field IDad_group/modify_time
Data Typedimension
The Placement.
Field IDplacement
Data Typedimension
TT App Id
Get the tt app id.
Field IDtt_app_id
Data Typemetric
TT App Name
Get the tt app name.
Field IDtt_app_name
Data Typemetric
Mobile App Id
Get the mobile app id.
Field IDmobile_app_id
Data Typemetric
Promotion Type
Get the promotion type.
Field IDpromotion_type
Data Typemetric
DPA Target Audience Type
Get the dpa target audience type.
Field IDdpa_target_audience_type
Data Typemetric
Get the Ad ID.
Field IDad/ad_id
Data Typedimension
Ad Name
Get the Ad Name.
Field IDad/ad_name
Data Typedimension
Call to action
Get the Call to action.
Field IDad/call_to_action
Data Typedimension
Call to action ID
Get the ID of the CTA portfolio that you want to use in your ads. A CTA portfolio is a group of auto-optimized CTAs. If both this field and call_to_action are specified, this field will be used, and call_to_action will be ignored.
Field IDad/call_to_action_id
Data Typedimension
Card ID
Get the Image card ID, gift code card ID, or premium badge ID.
Field IDad/card_id
Data Typedimension
Ad status
Get the Ad status.
Field IDad/status
Data Typedimension
Ad Operation status
Get the Operation vstatus, optional values include: DISABLE (the ad is disabled), ENABLE (the ad is enabled), FROZEN (the ad is terminated and cannot be enabled).
Field IDad/opt_status
Data Typedimension
Is Ad automated
Whether the ad is an automated ad. Set to true for automated ad and false for non-automated ad.
Field IDad/is_aco
Data Typedimension
Creative type
Get the creative type. Enum values: SINGLE_IMAGE, SINGLE_VIDEO, CAROUSEL.
Field IDad/ad_format
Data Typedimension
Ad Text
Get the ad text. It is shown to your audience as part of your ad creative, to deliver the message you intend to communicate to them. Keyword match type is exact match..
Field IDad/ad_text
Data Typedimension
Video ID
Get the video ID. When TikTok posts are used as ads, video_id is invalid. You can get the the ID of a TikTok post via the tiktok_item_id field.
Field IDad/video_id
Data Typedimension
TikTok item ID
Get the ID of the TikTok post to be used as an ad. It can be obtained from Get Spark Ad post endpoint.
Field IDad/tiktok_item_id
Data Typedimension
App name
Get the display name of app download ad.
Field IDad/app_name
Data Typedimension
Landing page URL
Get the Landing page URL.
Field IDad/landing_page_url
Data Typedimension
Display name
Get the display name of landing page or pure exposure ad.
Field IDad/display_name
Data Typedimension
Avatar URL
Get the Avatar URL.
Field IDad/profile_image
Data Typedimension
Display monitoring URL
Get the Display monitoring URL.
Field IDad/impression_tracking_url
Data Typedimension
Click monitoring URL
Get the Click monitoring URL.
Field IDad/click_tracking_url
Data Typedimension
Open URL
Get the specific location where you want your audience to go if they have your app installed. See open_url_type for more.
Field IDad/open_url
Data Typedimension
Open URL type
Get the open URL type. Allowed values differs based on campaign objectives. Allowed values: NORMAL(supported in Traffic, Conversion & CatalogSales), DEFERRED_DEEPLINK(supported in AppInstall & Catalog Sales).
Field IDad/open_url_type
Data Typedimension
Fallback Type
Get the Fallback Type. If the audience do not have the app installed, you can have them fall back to install the app, or to view a specific web page. Not applicable for Deferred Deeplink. Allowed values: APP_INSTALL, WEBSITE, UNSET. If website is chosen, you need to specify the url via landing_page_url field.
Field IDad/fallback_type
Data Typedimension
Playable material url
Get the Playable material url.
Field IDad/playable_url
Data Typedimension
Moat Viewability Verification
Whether Moat Viewability Verification is enabled for the ad. TikTok has partnered with Moat to launch viewability measurement for Brand Auction and Reach & Frequency In-feed ads purchased on TikTok for Business.
Field IDad/vast_moat
Data Typedimension
Instant Page ID
Instant Page (InstantForm or Storefront Page) ID.
Field IDad/page_id
Data Typedimension
Is Creative authorized
Whether you grant displaying some of your ads in our TikTok For Business Creative Center. Only valid for non-US advertisers, the default value is false.
Field IDad/is_creative_authorized
Data Typedimension
Ad Is a new structure
Whether the campaign is a new structure (for the same campaign, the structure of campaign, adgroups and ads are the same).
Field IDad/is_new_structure
Data Typedimension
Created time
Get the Time at which the ad was created.
Field IDad/create_time
Data Typedimension
Modified time
Get the Time at which the ad was Modified.
Field IDad/modify_time
Data Typedimension
DPA fallback type
In DPA scenario, the fallback behavior of deeplink evokes failed. Return when the corresponding campaign objective_type is CATALOG_SALES.
Field IDad/dpa_fallback_type
Data Typedimension
DPA open url type
Indicates the source of the direct link used in the ad. This field is returned when the corresponding campaign objective_type is CATALOG_SALES.
Field IDad/dpa_open_url_type
Data Typedimension
Catalog video template ID
Get the Catalog video template ID. Return when the corresponding campaign objective_type is CATALOG_SALES.
Field IDad/dpa_video_tpl_id
Data Typedimension
Is promotional music disabled
Whether to disable the promotional use of the music in the Spark Ad post. The default value is true. If you want to allow dueting and stitching for the Spark Ad post, you need to set this field to false. This field is only valid for Spark Ad posts.
Field IDad/promotional_music_disabled
Data Typedimension
Item Duet Status
Whether to enable dueting for the Spark Ad post. This field is valid only when promotional_music_disabled is set to false. Enum values: ENABLE, DISABLE. This field is only valid for Spark Ad posts.
Field IDad/item_duet_status
Data Typedimension
Item stitch status
Whether to enable stitching for the Spark Ad post. This field is valid only when promotional_music_disabled is set to false. Enum values: ENABLE, DISABLE. This field is only valid for Spark Ad posts.
Field IDad/item_stitch_status
Data Typedimension
Get the result.
Field IDresult
Data Typemetric
Cost Per Result
Get the cost per result.
Field IDcost_per_result
Data Typemetric
Result Rate
Get the result rate.
Field IDresult_rate
Data Typemetric
Real Time Result
Get the real time result.
Field IDreal_time_result
Data Typemetric
Real Time Cost Per Result
Get the real time cost per result.
Field IDreal_time_cost_per_result
Data Typemetric
Real Time Result rate
Get the real time result rate.
Field IDreal_time_result_rate
Data Typemetric
Secondary Goal Result
Get the secondary goal result.
Field IDsecondary_goal_result
Data Typemetric
Cost Per Secondary Goal Result
Get the cost per secondary goal result.
Field IDcost_per_secondary_goal_result
Data Typemetric
Secondary Gal Result Rate
Get the secondary goal result rate.
Field IDsecondary_goal_result_rate
Data Typemetric
Video Views
The number of times your video starts to play. Replays will not be counted.
Field IDvideo_play_actions
Data Typemetric
2-Second Video Views
The number of times your video played for at least 2 seconds. Replays will not be counted.
Field IDvideo_watched_2s
Data Typemetric
6-Second Video Views
The number of times your video played for at least 6 seconds, or completely played. Replays will not be counted.
Field IDvideo_watched_6s
Data Typemetric
Video Average Watch Time Per Video View
The average time your video was played per single video view, including any time spent replaying the video.
Field IDaverage_video_play
Data Typemetric
Video Average Watch Time Per Person
The average time your video was played per person, including any time spent replaying the video. This metric is estimated.
Field IDaverage_video_play_per_user
Data Typemetric
Video Views at 25%
The number of times your video was played at 25% of its length. Replays will not be counted.
Field IDvideo_views_p25
Data Typemetric
Video Views at 50%
The number of times your video was played at 50% of its length. Replays will not be counted.
Field IDvideo_views_p50
Data Typemetric
Video Views at 75%
The number of times your video was played at 75% of its length. Replays will not be counted.
Field IDvideo_views_p75
Data Typemetric
Video Views at 100%
The number of times your video was played at 100% of its length. Replays will not be counted.
Field IDvideo_views_p100
Data Typemetric
Engaged views
The number of engaged views. Engaged view means that people watch six seconds or longer of your video OR interact with the video (for example, Like/Share). Note: This feature is on the allowlist. If you would like access to it, please reach out to your TikTok representative.
Field IDengaged_view
Data Typemetric
Profile Visit
The number of profile visits the ad drove during the campaign. This metric is only for Boosted TikToks.
Field IDprofile_visits
Data Typemetric
Profile Visit Rate
The rate of profile visits per impression the paid ad drove during the campaign. This metric is only for Boosted TikToks.
Field IDprofile_visits_rate
Data Typemetric
Paid Likes
The number of likes your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.
Field IDlikes
Data Typemetric
Paid Comments
The number of comments your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.
Field IDcomments
Data Typemetric
Paid Shares
The number of shares your video creative received within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad.
Field IDshares
Data Typemetric
Paid Followers
The number of new followers that were gained within 1 day of a user seeing a paid ad. This metric is only for Boosted TikToks.
Field IDfollows
Data Typemetric
Clicks on music disc
The number of clicks on the official music in your Boosted TikTok ad during the campaign. Available only if you are on the allowlist for the Boosted TikTok feature.
Field IDclicks_on_music_disc
Data Typemetric
Real-time App Install
The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.)
Field IDreal_time_app_install
Data Typemetric
Cost per Real-time App Install
The average cost for each app install event. (The total count is based on when the conversion actually happened.)
Field IDreal_time_app_install_cost
Data Typemetric
App Install
The number of times your mobile app was installed that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDapp_install
Data Typemetric
Cost per App Install
The average cost for each app install event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_app_install
Data Typemetric
Unique Registration
The number of unique registrations in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDregistration
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Registration
The average cost for each unique registration that is attributed to your ad. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_registration
Data Typemetric
Registration Rate (%)
The percentage of unique registration events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDregistration_rate
Data Typemetric
Total Registration
Total Registration. The total count is based on when you were billed.
Field IDtotal_registration
Data Typemetric
Cost per Registration
Cost per Registration (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_registration
Data Typemetric
Unique Purchase
The number of unique purchases event occurred in your app that were recorded by your measurement partner. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDpurchase
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Purchase
The average cost of each unique purchase. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_purchase
Data Typemetric
Purchase Rate (%)
The percentage of unique purchase event out of all the app install event. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDpurchase_rate
Data Typemetric
Purchase (Total No.)
Purchase (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_purchase
Data Typemetric
Cost per Purchase
Cost per Purchase (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_purchase
Data Typemetric
Value per Purchase
Value per Purchase (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_purchase
Data Typemetric
Total Purchase Value
Total Purchase Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_purchase_value
Data Typemetric
Purchase ROAS
Return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchase events. (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_active_pay_roas
Data Typemetric
Unique Add to Cart
The number of unique times a user added items to a shopping cart in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDapp_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Add to Cart
The average cost for each unique add to cart event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_app_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Unique Add to Cart Rate (%)
The percentage of unique add to cart events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDapp_event_add_to_cart_rate
Data Typemetric
Total Add to Cart
Add to Cart (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_app_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Cost per Add to Cart
Cost per Add to Cart (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Value per Add to Cart
Value per Add to Cart (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_app_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Total Add to Cart Value
Total Add to Cart Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_app_event_add_to_cart_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Checkout
The number of unique times a user made a checkout in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcheckout
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Checkout
The average cost for each unique checkout event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_checkout
Data Typemetric
Unique Checkout Rate (%)
The percentage of unique checkout events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcheckout_rate
Data Typemetric
Total Checkout
Checkout (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_checkout
Data Typemetric
Cost per Checkout
Cost per Checkout (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_checkout
Data Typemetric
Value per Checkout
Value per Checkout (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_checkout
Data Typemetric
Total Checkout Value
Total Checkout Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_checkout_value
Data Typemetric
Unique View Content
The number of unique times a user viewed content in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDview_content
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique View Content
The average cost for each unique view content event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_view_content
Data Typemetric
View Content Rate (%)
The percentage of unique view content events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDview_content_rate
Data Typemetric
Total View Content
Total View Content. The total count is based on when you were billed.
Field IDtotal_view_content
Data Typemetric
Cost per View Content
Cost per View Content (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_view_content
Data Typemetric
Value per View Content
Value per View Content (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_view_content
Data Typemetric
Total View Content Value
Total View Content Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_view_content_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Day 1 Retention
The number of unique day 1 retentions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDnext_day_open
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Day 1 Retention
The average cost for each unique day 1 retention event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_next_day_open
Data Typemetric
Day 1 Retention Rate (%)
The percentage of unique day 1 retention events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDnext_day_open_rate
Data Typemetric
Day 1 Retention (Total No.)
Day 1 Retention (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_next_day_open
Data Typemetric
Cost per Day 1 Retention
Cost per Day 1 Retention (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_next_day_open
Data Typemetric
Unique Add Payment Info
The number of unique times a user added payment info in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDadd_payment_info
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Add Payment Info
The average cost for each unique add payment info event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_add_payment_info
Data Typemetric
Add Payment Info Rate (%)
The percentage of unique add payment info events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDadd_payment_info_rate
Data Typemetric
Total Add Payment Info
Total Add Payment Info. The total count is based on when you were billed.
Field IDtotal_add_payment_info
Data Typemetric
Cost per Add Payment Info
Cost per Add Payment Info (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_total_add_payment_info
Data Typemetric
Unique Add to Wishlist
The number of unique times users added items to a wishlist in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDadd_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Add to Wishlist
The average cost for each unique add to wishlist event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_add_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Add to Wishlist Rate (%)
The percentage of unique add to wishlist events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDadd_to_wishlist_rate
Data Typemetric
Total Add to Wishlist
Add to Wishlist (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_add_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Cost per Add to Wishlist
Cost per Add to Wishlist (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_add_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Value per Add to Wishlist
Value per Add to Wishlist (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_add_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Total Add to Wishlist Value
Total Add to Wishlist Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_add_to_wishlist_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Launch App
The number of unique times a user launched your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDlaunch_app
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Launch App
The average cost for each unique launch app event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_launch_app
Data Typemetric
Launch App Rate (%)
The percentage of unique launch app events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDlaunch_app_rate
Data Typemetric
Launch App (Total No.)
Launch App (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_launch_app
Data Typemetric
Cost per Launch App
Cost per Launch App (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_launch_app
Data Typemetric
Unique Complete Tutorial
The number of unique times a user completed a tutorial in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcomplete_tutorial
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Complete Tutorial
The average cost for each unique complete tutorial event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_complete_tutorial
Data Typemetric
Complete Tutorial Rate (%)
The percentage of unique complete tutorial events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcomplete_tutorial_rate
Data Typemetric
Complete Tutorial (Total No.)
Complete Tutorial (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_complete_tutorial
Data Typemetric
Cost per Complete Tutorial
Cost per Complete Tutorial (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_complete_tutorial
Data Typemetric
Value per Complete Tutorial
Value per Complete Tutorial (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_complete_tutorial
Data Typemetric
Total Complete Tutorial Value
Total Complete Tutorial Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_complete_tutorial_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Create Group
The number of unique times a user created a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcreate_group
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Create Group
The average cost for each unique create group event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_create_group
Data Typemetric
Create Group Rate (%)
The percentage of unique create group events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcreate_group_rate
Data Typemetric
Create Group (Total No.)
Create Group (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_create_group
Data Typemetric
Cost per Create Group
Cost per Create Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_create_group
Data Typemetric
Value per Create Group
Value per Create Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_create_group
Data Typemetric
Total Create Group Value
Total Create Group Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_create_group_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Join Group
The number of unique times a user joined a group in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDjoin_group
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Join Group
The average cost for each unique join group event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_join_group
Data Typemetric
Join Group Rate (%)
The percentage of unique join group events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDjoin_group_rate
Data Typemetric
Join Group (Total No.)
Join Group (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_join_group
Data Typemetric
Cost per Join Group
Cost per Join Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_join_group
Data Typemetric
Value per Join Group
Value per Join Group (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_join_group
Data Typemetric
Total Join Group Value
Total Join Group Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_join_group_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Create Role
The number of unique times a user created a character or role in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcreate_gamerole
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Create Role
The average cost for each unique create role event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_create_gamerole
Data Typemetric
Unique Create Role Rate (%)
The percentage of unique create role events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcreate_gamerole_rate
Data Typemetric
Create Role (Total No.)
Create Role (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_create_gamerole
Data Typemetric
Cost per Create Role
Cost per Create Role (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_create_gamerole
Data Typemetric
Value per Create Role
Value per Create Role (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_create_gamerole
Data Typemetric
Total Create Role Value
Total Create Role Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_create_gamerole_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Spend Credit
The number of unique times a user spent credit in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDspend_credits
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Spend Credit
The average cost for each unique spend credits event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_spend_credits
Data Typemetric
Spend Credit Rate (%)
The percentage of unique spend credits events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDspend_credits_rate
Data Typemetric
Spend Credit (Total No.)
Spend Credit (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_spend_credits
Data Typemetric
Cost per Spend Credit
Cost per Spend Credit (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_spend_credits
Data Typemetric
Value per Spend Credit
Value per Spend Credit (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_spend_credits
Data Typemetric
Total Spend Credit Value
Total Spend Credit Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_spend_credits_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Achieve Level
The number of unique times a user achieved a level in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDachieve_level
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Achieve Level
The average cost for each unique achieve level event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_achieve_level
Data Typemetric
Achieve Level Rate (%)
The percentage of unique achieve level events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDachieve_level_rate
Data Typemetric
Achieve Level (Total No.)
Achieve Level (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_achieve_level
Data Typemetric
Cost per Achieve Level
Cost per Achieve Level (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_achieve_level
Data Typemetric
Value per Achieve Level
Value per Achieve Level (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_achieve_level
Data Typemetric
Total Achieve Level Value
Total Achieve Level Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_achieve_level_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Unlock Achievement
The number of unique times that a user unlocked an achievement in your mobile game app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDunlock_achievement
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Unlock Achievement
The average cost for each unique unlock achievement event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_unlock_achievement
Data Typemetric
Unlock Achievement Rate (%)
The percentage of unique unlock achievement events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDunlock_achievement_rate
Data Typemetric
Unlock Achievement (Total No.)
Unlock Achievement (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_unlock_achievement
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unlock Achievement
Cost per Unlock Achievement (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_unlock_achievement
Data Typemetric
Value per Unlock Achievement
Value per Unlock Achievement (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_unlock_achievement
Data Typemetric
Total Unlock Achievement Value
Total Unlock Achievement Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_unlock_achievement_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Generate Lead
The number of unique leads generated in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDsales_lead
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Generate Lead
The average cost for each unique generate lead event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_sales_lead
Data Typemetric
Generate Lead Rate (%)
The percentage of unique generate lead events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDsales_lead_rate
Data Typemetric
Generate Lead (Total No.)
Generate Lead (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_sales_lead
Data Typemetric
Cost per Generate Lead
Cost per Generate Lead (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_sales_lead
Data Typemetric
Value per Generate Lead
Value per Generate Lead (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_sales_lead
Data Typemetric
Total Generate Lead Value
Total Generate Lead Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_sales_lead_value
Data Typemetric
Unique In-App Ad Click
The number of unique in-app ad click events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDin_app_ad_click
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique In-App Ad Click
The average cost for each unique in-app ad click event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_in_app_ad_click
Data Typemetric
In-App Ad Click Rate (%)
The percentage of unique in-app ad click events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDin_app_ad_click_rate
Data Typemetric
In-App Ad Click (Total No.)
In-App Ad Click (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_in_app_ad_click
Data Typemetric
Cost per In-App Ad Click
Cost per In-App Ad Click (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_in_app_ad_click
Data Typemetric
Value per In-App Ad Click
Value per In-App Ad Click (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_in_app_ad_click
Data Typemetric
Total In-App Ad Click Value
Total In-App Ad Click Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_in_app_ad_click_value
Data Typemetric
Unique In-App Ad Impr
The number of unique in-app ad impression events that occurred in your mobile app and are attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDin_app_ad_impr
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique In-App Ad Impr
The average cost for each unique in-app ad impression event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_in_app_ad_impr
Data Typemetric
In-App Ad Impr Rate (%)
The percentage of unique in-app ad impression events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDin_app_ad_impr_rate
Data Typemetric
In-App Ad Impr (Total No.)
In-App Ad Impr (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_in_app_ad_impr
Data Typemetric
Cost per In-App Ad Impr
Cost per In-App Ad Impr (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_in_app_ad_impr
Data Typemetric
Value per In-App Ad Impr
Value per In-App Ad Impr (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_in_app_ad_impr
Data Typemetric
Total In-App Ad Impr Value
Total In-App Ad Impr Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_in_app_ad_impr_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Loan Apply
The number of unique times a user applied for a loan in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDloan_apply
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Loan Apply
The average cost for each unique loan apply event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_loan_apply
Data Typemetric
Loan Apply Rate (%)
The percentage of unique loan apply events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDloan_apply_rate
Data Typemetric
Loan Apply (Total No.)
Loan Apply (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_loan_apply
Data Typemetric
Cost per Loan Apply
Cost per Loan Apply (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_loan_apply
Data Typemetric
Unique Loan Approval
The number of unique times a user was approved a loan in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDloan_credit
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Loan Approval
The average cost for each unique loan approval event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_loan_credit
Data Typemetric
Loan Approval Rate (%)
The percentage of unique loan approval events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDloan_credit_rate
Data Typemetric
Loan Approval (Total No.)
Loan Approval (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_loan_credit
Data Typemetric
Cost per Loan Approval
Cost per Loan Approval (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_loan_credit
Data Typemetric
Unique Loan Disbursement
The number of unique loan disbursal in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDloan_disbursement
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Loan Disbursement
The average cost for each unique loan disbursal event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_loan_disbursement
Data Typemetric
Loan Disbursement Rate (%)
The number of unique loan disbursals in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDloan_disbursement_rate
Data Typemetric
Loan Disbursement (Total No.)
Loan Disbursement (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_loan_disbursement
Data Typemetric
Cost per Loan Disbursement
Cost per Loan Disbursement (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_loan_disbursement
Data Typemetric
Unique Login
The number of unique logins in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDlogin
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Login
The average cost for each unique login event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_login
Data Typemetric
Login Rate (%)
The percentage of unique login events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDlogin_rate
Data Typemetric
Login (Total No.)
Login (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_login
Data Typemetric
Cost per Login
Cost per Login (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_login
Data Typemetric
Unique Rate
The number of unique ratings in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDratings
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Rate
The average cost for each unique rate event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_ratings
Data Typemetric
Rate Rate (%)
The percentage of unique rate events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDratings_rate
Data Typemetric
Rate (Total No.)
Rate (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_ratings
Data Typemetric
Cost per Rate
Cost per Rate (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_ratings
Data Typemetric
Value per Rate
Value per Rate (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_ratings
Data Typemetric
Total Rate Value
Total Rate Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_ratings_value
Data Typemetric
Unique Search
The number of unique searches in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDsearch
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Search
The average cost for each unique search event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_search
Data Typemetric
Search Rate (%)
The percentage of unique search events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDsearch_rate
Data Typemetric
Total Search
Total search (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_search
Data Typemetric
Cost per Search
Cost per Search (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_search
Data Typemetric
Unique Start Trial
The number of unique times a user started a trial in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDstart_trial
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Start Trial
The average cost for each unique start trial event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_start_trial
Data Typemetric
Start Trial Rate (%)
The percentage of unique start trial events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDstart_trial_rate
Data Typemetric
Start Trial (Total No.)
Start Trial (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_start_trial
Data Typemetric
Cost per Start Trial
Cost per Start Trial (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_start_trial
Data Typemetric
Unique Subscribe
The number of unique subscriptions in your mobile app that were recorded as app events and attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDsubscribe
Data Typemetric
Cost per Unique Subscribe
The average cost for each unique subscribe event that is attributed to your ads. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDcost_per_subscribe
Data Typemetric
Subscribe Rate (%)
The percentage of unique subscribe events out of all app install events. (The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.)
Field IDsubscribe_rate
Data Typemetric
Subscribe (Total No.)
Subscribe (Total No.) (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_subscribe
Data Typemetric
Cost per Subscribe
Cost per Subscribe (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDcost_per_total_subscribe
Data Typemetric
Value per Subscribe
Value per Subscribe (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDvalue_per_total_subscribe
Data Typemetric
Total Subscribe Value
Total Subscribe Value (The total count is based on when you were billed.)
Field IDtotal_subscribe_value
Data Typemetric
Complete Payment ROAS (Page)
The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from complete payment events that are attributed to your ads.
Field IDcomplete_payment_roas
Data Typemetric
Total Complete Payment (Page)
The number of complete payment events.
Field IDcomplete_payment
Data Typemetric
Cost per Complete Payment (Page)
The average cost of each complete payment event.
Field IDcost_per_complete_payment
Data Typemetric
Complete Payment Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of complete payment events out of all click events.
Field IDcomplete_payment_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Complete Payment (Page)
The average value returned from complete payment events.
Field IDvalue_per_complete_payment
Data Typemetric
Total Complete Payment Value (Page)
The total value returned from complete payment events.
Field IDtotal_complete_payment_rate
Data Typemetric
Page Browse (Page)
The number of page browse events.
Field IDpage_browse_view
Data Typemetric
Cost per Page Browse (Page)
The average cost of each page browse event.
Field IDcost_per_page_browse_view
Data Typemetric
Page Browse Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of page browse events out of all click events.
Field IDpage_browse_view_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Page Browse (Page)
The average value returned from page browse events.
Field IDtotal_page_browse_view_value
Data Typemetric
Total Page Browse Value (Page)
The total value returned from page browse events.
Field IDvalue_per_page_browse_view
Data Typemetric
Click Button (Page)
The number of button click events.
Field IDbutton_click
Data Typemetric
Cost per Click Button (Page)
The average cost of each button click event.
Field IDcost_per_button_click
Data Typemetric
Click Button Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of button click events out of all click events.
Field IDbutton_click_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Click Button (Page)
The average value returned from button click events.
Field IDvalue_per_button_click
Data Typemetric
Total Click Button Value (Page)
The total value returned from button click events.
Field IDtotal_button_click_value
Data Typemetric
Total Contact (Page)
The number of contact events.
Field IDonline_consult
Data Typemetric
Cost per Contact (Page)
The average cost of each contact event.
Field IDcost_per_online_consult
Data Typemetric
Contact Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of contact events out of all click events.
Field IDonline_consult_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Contact (Page)
The average value returned from contact events.
Field IDvalue_per_online_consult
Data Typemetric
Total Contact Value (Page)
The total value returned from contact events.
Field IDtotal_online_consult_value
Data Typemetric
Total Complete Registration (Page)
The number of user registration events.
Field IDuser_registration
Data Typemetric
Cost per Complete Registration (Page)
The average cost of each user registration event.
Field IDcost_per_user_registration
Data Typemetric
Complete Registration Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of user registration events out of all click events.
Field IDuser_registration_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Complete Registration (Page)
The average value returned from user registration events.
Field IDvalue_per_user_registration
Data Typemetric
Total Complete Registration Value (Page)
The total value returned from user registration events.
Field IDtotal_user_registration_value
Data Typemetric
Product Details Page Browse (Page)
The number of product details page browse events.
Field IDproduct_details_page_browse
Data Typemetric
Product Details Page Browse Cost (Page)
The average cost of each product details page browse event.
Field IDcost_per_product_details_page_browse
Data Typemetric
Product Details Page Browse Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of product details page browse events out of all click events.
Field IDproduct_details_page_browse_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Product Details Page Browse (Page)
The average value returned from product details page browse events.
Field IDvalue_per_product_details_page_browse
Data Typemetric
Total Product Details Page Browse Value (Page)
The total value returned from product details page browse events.
Field IDtotal_product_details_page_browse_value
Data Typemetric
Add to Cart (Page)
The number of add to cart events.
Field IDweb_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Cost per Add to Cart (Page)
The average cost of each add to cart event.
Field IDcost_per_web_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Add to Cart Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of add to cart events out of all click events.
Field IDweb_event_add_to_cart_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Add to Cart (Page)
The average value returned from add to cart events.
Field IDvalue_per_web_event_add_to_cart
Data Typemetric
Total Add to Cart Value (Page)
The total value returned from add to cart events.
Field IDtotal_web_event_add_to_cart_value
Data Typemetric
Total Place an Order (Page)
The number of place an order events.
Field IDon_web_order
Data Typemetric
Cost per Place an Order (Page)
The average cost of each place an order event.
Field IDcost_per_on_web_order
Data Typemetric
Place an Order Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of place an order events out of all click events.
Field IDon_web_order_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Place an Order (Page)
The average value returned from place an order events.
Field IDvalue_per_on_web_order
Data Typemetric
Total Place an Order Value (Page)
The total value returned from place an order events.
Field IDtotal_on_web_order_value
Data Typemetric
Total Initiate Checkout (Page)
The number of initiate checkout events.
Field IDinitiate_checkout
Data Typemetric
Cost per Initiate Checkout (Page)
The average cost of each initiate checkout event.
Field IDcost_per_initiate_checkout
Data Typemetric
Initiate Checkout Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of initiate checkout events out of all click events.
Field IDinitiate_checkout_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Initiate Checkout (Page)
The average value returned from initiate checkout events.
Field IDvalue_per_initiate_checkout
Data Typemetric
Total Initiate Checkout Value (Page)
The total value returned from initiate checkout events.
Field IDtotal_initiate_checkout_value
Data Typemetric
Add Billing (Page)
The number of add billing events.
Field IDadd_billing
Data Typemetric
Add Billing Cost (Page)
The average cost of each add billing event.
Field IDcost_per_add_billing
Data Typemetric
Add Billing Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of add billing events out of all click events.
Field IDadd_billing_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Add Billing (Page)
The average value returned from add billing events.
Field IDvalue_per_add_billing
Data Typemetric
Total Add Billing Value (Page)
The total value returned from add billing events.
Field IDtotal_add_billing_value
Data Typemetric
Search (Page)
The number of search events.
Field IDpage_event_search
Data Typemetric
Search Cost (Page)
The average cost of each search event.
Field IDcost_per_page_event_search
Data Typemetric
Search Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of search events out of all click events.
Field IDpage_event_search_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Search (Page)
The average value returned from search events.
Field IDvalue_per_page_event_search
Data Typemetric
Total Search Value (Page)
The total value returned from search events.
Field IDtotal_page_event_search_value
Data Typemetric
Total Submit Form (Page)
The number of form submission events.
Field IDform
Data Typemetric
Cost per Submit Form (Page)
The average cost of each form submission event.
Field IDcost_per_form
Data Typemetric
Submit Form Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of form submission events out of all click events.
Field IDform_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Submit Form (Page)
The average value returned from form submission events.
Field IDvalue_per_form
Data Typemetric
Total Submit Form Value (Page)
The total value returned from form submission events.
Field IDtotal_form_value
Data Typemetric
Total Download (Page)
The number of download button click events.
Field IDdownload_start
Data Typemetric
Cost per Download (Page)
The average cost of each download button click events.
Field IDcost_per_download_start
Data Typemetric
Download Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of download button click events out of all click events.
Field IDdownload_start_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Download (Page)
The average value returned from download button click events.
Field IDvalue_per_download_start
Data Typemetric
Total Download Value (Page)
The total value returned from download button click events.
Field IDtotal_download_start_value
Data Typemetric
Total Add to Wishlist (Page)
The number of add to wishlist events that are attributed to your ads.
Field IDon_web_add_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Cost per Add To Wishlist (Page)
The average cost of each add to wishlist event.
Field IDcost_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Add To Wishlist Rate (Page)
The percentage of add to wishlist events out of all click events.
Field IDon_web_add_to_wishlist_per_click
Data Typemetric
Value per Add To Wishlist (Page)
The average value returned from each add to wishlist event.
Field IDvalue_per_on_web_add_to_wishlist
Data Typemetric
Total Add To Wishlist Value (Page)
The total value returned from all add to wishlist events.
Field IDtotal_on_web_add_to_wishlist_value
Data Typemetric
Total Subscribe (Page)
The number of subscribe events that are attributed to your ads.
Field IDon_web_subscribe
Data Typemetric
Subscribe Cost (Page)
The average cost of each subscribe event.
Field IDcost_per_on_web_subscribe
Data Typemetric
Subscribe Rate (%) (Page)
The percentage of subscribe events out of all click events.
Field IDon_web_subscribe_per_click
Data Typemetric
Value per Subscribe (Page)
The average value returned from each subscribe event.
Field IDvalue_per_on_web_subscribe
Data Typemetric
Total Subscribe Value (Page)
The total value returned from all subscribe events.
Field IDtotal_on_web_subscribe_value
Data Typemetric
Country Code
The Country code.
Field IDcountry_code
Data Typedimension
The Country.
Field IDcountry_name
Data Typedimension
(Deprecated) Video thumbnail URL
Thumbnail URL for video creative.
Field IDvideo/video_thumbnail_url
Data Typedimension
Clicks on Hashtag Challenge
Clicks on Hashtag Challenge
Field IDclicks_on_hashtag_challenge
Data Typemetric
Paid Engagement
The sum of Paid Likes, Paid Shares and Paid Comments.
Field IDpaid_engagements
Data Typemetric
The Gender.
Field IDgender
Data Typedimension
The Age.
Field IDage
Data Typedimension
Audience Network
The Audience Network.
Field IDac
Data Typedimension
Field IDlanguage
Data Typedimension
Device Platform
The Device.
Field IDplatform
Data Typedimension
Field IDbehavior_id
Data Typedimension
Device Brand
The Device Brand.
Field IDdevice_brand_id
Data Typedimension
The DMA.
Field IDdma_id
Data Typedimension
Interest Category first level
Interest Category first level.
Field IDinterest_category
Data Typedimension
Interest Category V2 first level
Interest Category V2 first level.
Field IDinterest_category_v2
Data Typedimension
Interest Category second level
Interest Category second level
Field IDinterest_category_tier2
Data Typedimension
Interest Category third level
Interest Category third level
Field IDinterest_category_tier3
Data Typedimension
Interest Category fourth level
Interest Category fourth level
Field IDinterest_category_tier4
Data Typedimension
The Province.
Field IDprovince
Data Typedimension
Video Cover URL
COVER URL for video creative.
Field IDvideo/video_cover_url
Data Typedimension
Video Preview URL
Preview URL for video creative.
Field IDvideo/preview_url
Data Typedimension
15-second views (Focused view)
The number of times your video has been played at least 15 seconds, or received at least 1 engagement within 1 day of the user seeing a paid ad. Engagements to be measured: Likes, shares, follows, profile visits, clicks, hashtag clicks, music clicks, anchor clicks, and interactive add-ons activity clicks.
Field IDengaged_view_15s
Data Typemetric
Total Page View
The total number of page browse events.The total count is calculated based on the time each ad impression occurred.
Field IDtotal_pageview
Data Typemetric
Cost per Page View
The average cost of each page browse event.
Field IDcost_per_pageview
Data Typemetric
Page View Rate (%)
The percentage of page browse events out of all click events.
Field IDpageview_rate
Data Typemetric
Value per Page View
The average value returned from page browse events.
Field IDavg_value_per_pageview
Data Typemetric
Total Page View Value
The total value returned from page browse events.
Field IDtotal_value_per_pageview
Data Typemetric
Week of the year (start Sunday)
Week of the year
Data Typedimension
Total Landing Page View
The number of landing page view events from your ads.
Field IDtotal_landing_page_view
Data Typemetric
Cost per Landing Page View
The average cost of each landing page view event.
Field IDcost_per_landing_page_view
Data Typemetric
Land Page View Rate (%)
The percentage of click events that are landing page view events.
Field IDlanding_page_view_rate
Data Typemetric
Extracted Date
The date where the extraction take times.
Field ID_catchr_date_extract
Data Typedimension
Platform Name
Return the platform name
Field ID_catchr_platform_name
Data Typedimension