Account ID Unique identifier for the account. |
| ||||||
Account Name Name of the account. |
| ||||||
Account Outbound Recording Enabled Whether or not the account has recording enabled for outbound calls placed via the CallRail web application. |
| ||||||
Account Is HIPAA Whether or not the account is a HIPAA account. |
| ||||||
Year Year such as 2017. |
| ||||||
Year Quarter Year and quarter. |
| ||||||
Year month Year and month. |
| ||||||
Year week Year and week. |
| ||||||
Date Year, month, and day. |
| ||||||
Year month day hour Year, month, day, and hour. |
| ||||||
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year |
| ||||||
Month of the year Month of the year |
| ||||||
Week of the year Week of the year |
| ||||||
Month and day Month and day |
| ||||||
Day of the week Week of the year |
| ||||||
Day of the month Day of the year |
| ||||||
Hour of the day Hour of the day |
| ||||||
Call Answered Whether the call was answered (true) or not answered (false). |
| ||||||
Call Business Phone Number The phone number of the person or business who answered the call from the dialed tracking number. |
| ||||||
Call Customer City The customer’s city, based on the original assigned location of their phone number. |
| ||||||
Call Customer Country The customer’s country, based on the area code of their phone number. |
| ||||||
Call Customer Name The customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID. |
| ||||||
Call Customer Phone Number The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format). |
| ||||||
Call Customer State The 2-character abbreviation for the customer’s state, based on the original assigned location of their phone number. |
| ||||||
Call Direction Whether the call was inbound (from a customer to you) or outbound (from you to a customer). |
| ||||||
Call Duration The duration of the call in seconds. |
| ||||||
Call ID Unique identifier for the call. |
| ||||||
Call Recording A URL pointing to the calls/recording api endpoint. |
| ||||||
Call Recording Duration The length in seconds of the recording, if available. |
| ||||||
Call Recording Player The URL for a stand-alone recording player for this call, if available. |
| ||||||
Call Start Time The date and time the call started in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset. |
| ||||||
Call Tracking Phone Number The business’ tracking phone number for this call (in E.164 format). |
| ||||||
Call Voicemail Whether the call ended with a voicemail (true) or not (false). |
| ||||||
Call Type The type of call. One of abandoned, answered, in_progress, missed, outbound, voicemail, or voicemail_transcription. |
| ||||||
Call Created At The date and time the call was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset. |
| ||||||
Call Device Type Either mobile or desktop, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call First Call Whether or not the call is the caller’s first call to this company. |
| ||||||
Call The type of call, formatted for display. |
| ||||||
Call Prior Calls The number of times this company received a call from this customer prior to this call. If this is the first call from the customer, prior_calls will be 0. |
| ||||||
Good Lead Call ID If provided, the id of the call that was originally scored as a good lead. |
| ||||||
Good Lead Call Time If provided, the time of the call that was originally scored as a good lead. |
| ||||||
Lead status The current lead status of this caller (as of this call). One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null. |
| ||||||
Call Note Any text notes to associate with this call. |
| ||||||
Call Source The marketing source that led to the phone call. |
| ||||||
Call Source Name The name of the tracking number within CallRail. |
| ||||||
Call Tags Any tags which have been applied to this call. |
| ||||||
Call Total The total number of calls received from a customer phone number. |
| ||||||
Call Value A number representing the value of this call. |
| ||||||
Call Waveforms Only present if the call was recorded. Contains the URLs of two images representing the volume of the call over time. |
| ||||||
Call Tracker ID If provided, only return calls to this specific tracking number. |
| ||||||
Call Speaker Percent A JSON object containing the values of the percentage of time spent talking by the Agent and Customer on a call. |
| ||||||
Call Keywords The keywords the visitor searched for, if available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources. |
| ||||||
Call Medium The medium associated with the call. Most commonly “PPC”, “direct”, or “Organic”. |
| ||||||
Call Campaign The name of the campaign the call belongs to. |
| ||||||
Call Referring URL The URL that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call Landing Page URL The URL the caller first landed on, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call Last Requested URL The URL of the active page at the time the call was placed, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call Referrer Domain The domain that referred the caller to your website, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTM Source utm_source as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTM Medium utm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter for Website (Session) Trackers, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTM Term utm_term as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTM Content utm_content as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTM Campaign utm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter, or as specified in the configuration for Source Trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTMA Google Analytics _utma value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTMB Google Analytics _utmb value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTMC Google Analytics _utmc value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTMV Google Analytics _utmv value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call UTMZ Google Analytics _utmz value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call GA Google Universal Analytics _ga value, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers |
| ||||||
Call Gclid gclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. This is also available for calls from Google Ads call assets (formerly called extensions) and call-only ads through the use of our Google Ads Call Details Forwarding integration. |
| ||||||
Call Fbclid fbclid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) trackers. |
| ||||||
Call Msclkid msclkid as captured from the landing page parameter, available for calls placed to Website (Session) Trackers. |
| ||||||
Call Keywords Spotted Array of keywords spotted, each containing keyword with locations in seconds offset from beginning of recording. |
| ||||||
Call Highlights A list of relevant keywords automatically found in the call transcription. |
| ||||||
Call Summary Three to five sentences that summarizes the contents of the call. This is available when the call is over 30 seconds, for customers with a subscription to a Premium Converation Intelligence plan. |
| ||||||
Call Agent Email Email address for the user who answered the call, when applicable. |
| ||||||
Company ID Unique identifier for the company. |
| ||||||
Company Name Name of the company. |
| ||||||
Company Status Indicates whether the company is currently “active” or “disabled”. |
| ||||||
Company Time Zone Time Zone configured for this company. |
| ||||||
Company Created At The date and time the company was created in UTC (ISO 8601 format). |
| ||||||
Company Disabled At The date and time the company was disabled in UTC (ISO 8601 format). If the company is still enabled, this value will be null. |
| ||||||
Company DNI Active Whether or not the company has the Javascript Snippet enabled. This field will be null if the Javascript Snippet has never been installed. |
| ||||||
Company Script URL The URL for the CallRail tracking script for this company. |
| ||||||
Company Callscore Enabled Whether or not the company has CallScore enabled. |
| ||||||
Company Lead Scoring Enabled Whether or not the company has manual lead scoring enabled. |
| ||||||
Company Swap PPC Override Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives via PPC. |
| ||||||
Company Swap Landing Override Option to override the original source when a visitor arrives on a landing page containing a given param. |
| ||||||
Company Swap Cookie Duration Cookie duration length in number of days (30, 60, 90, or 365.) Visitors who clear their cookies, return after the cookie expires, or use a different web browser will be treated as new visitors. |
| ||||||
Company Callscribe Enabled Whether or not the company has Transcripts and Call Highlights enabled. |
| ||||||
Company Form Capture Indicates whether the company has the external form capture feature enabled. |
| ||||||
Tag ID Unique identifier for the Tag object. |
| ||||||
Tag Name The name of the tag formatted for display. |
| ||||||
Tag Level Indicates whether the tag is at the account level or the company level. |
| ||||||
Tag Color The name reference from the available colors. |
| ||||||
Tag Background Color The name reference from the available colors. |
| ||||||
Tag Status Indicates whether the tag is currently “enabled” or “disabled”. |
| ||||||
Tag Created At The date and time the tag was created in the current timezone (ISO 8601 format) with an offset. |
| ||||||
Form Submission ID Unique identifier for the form submission. |
| ||||||
Form URL The URL that the form was submitted to |
| ||||||
Form Submission Landing Page URL The URL that the user landed on from the referring entity |
| ||||||
Form Submission Referrer Name of the referring entity, e.g. google_paid. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Referring URL URL for the referring entity |
| ||||||
Form Submission Submitted At Server time when the form was submitted. This is assigned by the CallRail app. |
| ||||||
Form Submission First Form Indicates whether this is the first form submitted from a person. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Customer Phone Number The customer’s phone number (in E.164 format). |
| ||||||
Form Submission Customer Name The customer’s name, as reported by Caller ID. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Source The marketing source that led to the form submission. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Keywords The keywords the visitor searched for. Keywords only provided from paid ad sources. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Campaign The name of the campaign the form submission belongs to. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Medium “PPC” or “Organic”. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Lead Status The current lead status for the form submission. One of good_lead, not_a_lead, previously_marked_good_lead, or null. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Value Indicates whether the form has a monetary value associated with it. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Note Note associated with the form submission. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Tags Array of tags that have been applied to the form submission. |
| ||||||
Form Submission UTM Source utm_source as captured from the landing page parameter. |
| ||||||
Form Submission UTM Medium utm_medium as captured from the landing page parameter. |
| ||||||
Form Submission UTM Campaign utm_campaign as captured from the landing page parameter. |
| ||||||
Form Name The name of the Custom Form responsible for the form capture, where applicable. |
| ||||||
Form Submission Timeline URL A link to the lead’s timeline, which displays the web sessions and touchpoints a lead had on your website before, during, and after submitting a form. |
| ||||||
Form data: 1st field name The name of the first field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 1st field value The value of the first field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 2nd field name The name of the second field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 2nd field value The value of the second field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 3rd field name The name of the third field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 3rd field value The value of the third field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 4th field name The name of the fourth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 4th field value The value of the fourth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 5th field name The name of the fifth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 5th field value The value of the fifth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 6th field name The name of the sixth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 6th field value The value of the sixth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 7th field name The name of the seventh field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 7th field value The value of the seventh field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 8th field name The name of the eighth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 8th field value The value of the eighth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 9th field name The name of the ninth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 9th field value The value of the ninth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 10th field name The name of the tenth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 10th field value The value of the tenth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 11th field name The name of the eleventh field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 11th field value The value of the eleventh field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 12th field name The name of the twelfth field in the form |
| ||||||
Form data: 12th field value The value of the twelfth field in the form |
| ||||||
Week of the year (start Sunday) Week of the year |
| ||||||
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
| ||||||
Platform Name Return the platform name |
| ||||||
Form submissions Number of form submissions |
| ||||||
First Form submissions Number of times where a form is submitted and is the first form submitted from a person |
| ||||||
Calls Total number of calls |
| ||||||
Call Answered Integer Call answered integer |
| ||||||
Call Answer rate Percentage of calls that were answered |
| ||||||
Call Missed Number of missed calls |
| ||||||
Total Call Missed Number of missed calls |
| ||||||
Call Abandoned Number of calls that lasted for less than 15 seconds |
| ||||||
Total Call Abandoned Number of calls that lasted for less than 15 seconds |
| ||||||
Total Call Voicemail Number of calls going to voicemail integer |
| ||||||
Calls Inbound Is inbound call boolean |
| ||||||
Total Calls Inbound Number of inbound calls |
| ||||||
Calls Outbound Is outbound calls boolean |
| ||||||
Total Calls Outbound Number of outbound calls |
| ||||||
Calls AVG Duration Average duration of a call |
| ||||||
Call Total Duration (sec) Total duration of all calls in second. |
| ||||||
Good Lead and First Time Caller Number Good lead and first time caller number |
| ||||||
Leads Number of new leads |
| ||||||
Good Lead Rate Portion of first time callers marked as good leads |