Clicks Total clicks. |
| ||||||
Impressions Total impressions. |
| ||||||
Visible Impressions Total viewable impressions. |
| ||||||
Total Spent Total spent (on campaign bidding). |
| ||||||
Conversions Value Total revenue from conversions. |
| ||||||
ROAS Return On Ad Spend (%) = conversions_value/spent. |
| ||||||
ROAS Clicks Return On Ad Spend for Click Through Conversions (%). |
| ||||||
ROAS Views Return On Ad Spend for View Through Conversions (%). |
| ||||||
CTR Click Through Rate (%) = clicks/impressions. |
| ||||||
VCTR Viewable Click Through Rate (%) = clicks/visible_impressions. |
| ||||||
CPM Cost Per 1000 Impressions = spent/impressions * 1000. |
| ||||||
VCPM Cost Per 1000 Viewable Impressions = spent/visible_impressions * 1000. |
| ||||||
CPC (Actual) Cost Per Click = spent/clicks. |
| ||||||
CPA Cost Per Action (Conversion) = Spent/Conversions (considers all conversions). |
| ||||||
CPA Clicks Click Cost Per Action (Conversion) = Spent/Click Through Conversions (considers conversions attributed via click throughs only). |
| ||||||
CPA Views View Cost Per Action (Conversion) = Spent/View Through Conversions (considers conversions attributed via view throughs only). |
| ||||||
CPA Conversion Rate Conversion Rate (%) = Conversions/Clicks (considers all conversions). |
| ||||||
CPA Conversion Rate Clicks Click Conversion Rate (%) = Click Through Conversions/Clicks (considers conversions attributed via click throughs only). |
| ||||||
CPA Conversion Rate Views View Conversion Rate (%) = View Through Conversions/Clicks (considers conversions attributed via view throughs only). |
| ||||||
CPA Actions Number Total number of actions (conversions). |
| ||||||
CPA Actions Number from Clicks Total number of click through actions (conversions). Look-back window is configurable per conversion rule (default = 30 days). |
| ||||||
CPA Actions Number from Views Total number of view through actions (conversions). Look-back window is configurable per conversion rule (default = 24 hours). |
| ||||||
Currency The currency for columns of type Money. An ISO 4217 currency code. |
| ||||||
Year Year such as 2017. |
| ||||||
Year Quarter Year and quarter. |
| ||||||
Year month Year and month. |
| ||||||
Year week Year and week. |
| ||||||
Date Year, month, and day. |
| ||||||
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year |
| ||||||
Month of the year Month of the year |
| ||||||
Week of the year Week of the year |
| ||||||
Month and day Month and day |
| ||||||
Day of the week Week of the year |
| ||||||
Day of the month Day of the year |
| ||||||
Content Provider Alphabetic Advertiser ID (aka Account ID), e.g., 'demo-advertiser'. |
| ||||||
Content Provider Name Advertiser Name, e.g., 'Demo Advertiser'. |
| ||||||
Campaigns Number Number of campaigns for that advertiser. |
| ||||||
Campaign ID The campaign ID (A numeric string). |
| ||||||
Campaign Name Human-readable campaign name. |
| ||||||
Traffic Allocation Mode The traffic allocation mode for the campaign. |
| ||||||
A/B Test Start Time The A/B Testing start date in ISO 8601 format (if relevant). |
| ||||||
A/B Test End Date The A/B Testing end date in ISO 8601 format (if relevant). |
| ||||||
Campaign Learning State The learning state of the campaign (e.g., EMPTY_DISPLAY, EXPEDITED_LEARNING, etc.). |
| ||||||
Site ID Alphabetic Site ID (aka Account ID), e.g., 'demo-site'. |
| ||||||
Site Name Human-readable site name, e.g., 'Demo Site'. |
| ||||||
Site ID (Numeric) Numeric Site ID (aka Account ID), e.g., 1023. |
| ||||||
Country Machine-readable country name (2-letter code), e.g., 'US'. |
| ||||||
Country Name Human-readable country name. |
| ||||||
Region Human-readable region name (country-specific). |
| ||||||
DMA Human-readable DMA name (US-specific). |
| ||||||
Platform Machine-readable platform name. |
| ||||||
Human-readable platform name Human-readable platform name. |
| ||||||
OS Family The O/S Family. |
| ||||||
Blocking Level Indicates the level of blocking (e.g., NONE, CAMPAIGN, ADVERTISER, AUTO). |
| ||||||
Partner Name Human-readable data partner name. |
| ||||||
Audience Name Human-readable audience (segment) name. |
| ||||||
Data Partner Audience ID Machine-readable data partner audience ID. |
| ||||||
Impressions Percentage Audience ID Impressions percent. Calculated as Audience ID Impressions / Total Campaign Impressions. |
| ||||||
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
| ||||||
Platform Name Return the platform name |
| ||||||
CPC (Calculated) CPC (Calculated by Catchr) |
| ||||||
CPM (Calculated) CPM (Calculated by Catchr) |
| ||||||
CTR (Calculated) CTR (Calculated by Catchr) |
| ||||||
VCPM (Calculated) VCPM (Calculated by Catchr) |
| ||||||
VCTR (Calculated) VCTR (Calculated by Catchr) |