Campaign AdamId Your unique App Store app identifier. You can obtain your app adamId through Search for iOS Apps, Get a Campaign or Get All Campaigns. |
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Campaign Ad Channel Type The channel type of an ad in a campaign. |
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Campaign Billing Event The type of billing event for a campaign. |
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Campaign Budget Amount The lifetime budget amount available to a campaign. |
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Campaign Budget Currency The lifetime budget currency available to a campaign. |
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Campaign Budget Orders The budget orders that you assign to the campaign. This applies only to campaigns with a line-of-credit payment model. |
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Campaign Countries Or Regions The App Store geoterritories where you’re promoting your app. The default value is US.Use an alpha-2 country code value , such as US, for the locations where you’re promoting. |
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Campaign Country Or Region Serving State Reasons The map of reasons that returns when a campaign isn’t running. |
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Campaign Creation Time The date and time of the creation of the campaign object. |
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Campaign Daily Budget Amount Your daily budget amount. |
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Campaign Daily Budget Currency Your daily budget currency. |
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Campaign Deleted The indicator of whether the campaign is soft-deleted. |
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Campaign Display Status The status of the campaign. The status resolves according to servingStatus and additional criteria.Possible Values: DELETED, ON_HOLD, PAUSED, RUNNING |
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Campaign End Time The scheduled end time and date for the campaign. |
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Campaign Id A unique identifier for the campaign that you can use as a campaignid in endpoint resources. |
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Campaign Loc Invoice Billing Contact Email A valid email address for the LOC billing contact. |
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Campaign Loc Invoice Buyer Email A valid email address for the LOC buyer. |
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Campaign Loc Invoice Buyer Name A valid LOC buyer name. |
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Campaign Loc Invoice Client Name An advertiser or product. Required for agency-type accounts. |
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Campaign Loc Invoice Order Number A purchase order number. Required for agency-type accounts. |
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Campaign Modification Time The date and time of the most recent modification of the object. |
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Campaign Name The name of the campaign, which is unique within an organization. |
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Campaign Organization Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign. Your orgId is the same as your account in the Apple Search Ads UI. |
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Campaign Payment Model The payment model that you set through the Search Ads UI. |
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Campaign Serving State Reasons A list of reasons that displays when a campaign can’t run. |
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Campaign Serving Status The status of the campaign. |
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Campaign Start Time The scheduled start time and date for the campaign. |
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Campaign Status The user-controlled status to enable or pause the campaign. |
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Campaign Supply Sources The ad placements for a campaign. |
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Year Year such as 2017. |
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Year Quarter Year and quarter. |
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Year month Year and month. |
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Year week Year and week. |
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Date Year, month, and day. |
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Year month day hour Year, month, day, and hour. |
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Quarter of the year Quarter of the year |
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Month of the year Month of the year |
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Week of the year Week of the year |
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Month and day Month and day |
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Day of the week Week of the year |
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Day of the month Day of the year |
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Hour of the day Hour of the day |
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Ad Group Automated Keywords Opt In The parameter for enabling and disabling Search Match. If true, the system automatically adds optimized keywords in addition to those you explicitly add to the ad group. |
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Ad Group CPA Goal Amount The cost-per-acquisition goal. The maximum amount you are willing to pay for a conversion. |
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Ad Group CPA Goal Currency The cost-per-acquisition goal. the currency of the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a conversion. |
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Ad Group Default Bid Amount The default maximum cost-per-tap or cost-per-impression bid for the ad group. |
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Ad Group Default Bid Currency The default maximum cost-per-tap or cost-per-impression bid currency for the ad group. |
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Ad Group Deleted The indicator of whether the ad group is soft-deleted. This includes keywords that belong to an ad group. |
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Ad Group Display Status The status of the ad group. The status resolves according to servingStatus and additional criteria. |
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Ad Group End Time The scheduled end time and date for the ad group, which the system determines from the ad group with the latest end time.The endTime must be after the startTime.The endTime is updatable until you reach the designated time.The endTime must be in UTC. |
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Ad Group Id The unique identifier for the ad group that you can use as adGroupId in endpoint resources. |
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Ad Group Modification Time The date and time of the most recent modification of the object. |
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Ad Group Name The unique name of the ad group. Responses don’t include deleted ad groups. |
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Ad Group Organization Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign. Your orgId is the same as your account in the Apple Search Ads UI. |
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Ad Group Payment Model The payment model that you set through the Search Ads UI. If you don’t set a payment model, campaigns can’t run. |
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Ad Group Pricing Model The type of pricing model for a bid. See PricingModel for value descriptions.Possible Values: CPC, CPM |
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Ad Group Serving Status The status of whether the ad group is serving.Default: RUNNINGPossible Values: NOT_RUNNING, RUNNING |
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Ad Group Start Time The scheduled start date and time for the ad group with the earliest start time in the campaign.The startTime must be greater than the current time, and before the campaign endTime, if you set it.If you don’t set a startTime, the campaign defaults to the campaign request timestamp and the startTime is updatable until you reach the designated time.The startTime must be in UTC. |
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Ad Group Status The user-controlled status to enable or pause the ad group.This field is updatable.Default: ENABLEDPossible Values: ENABLED, PAUSED |
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Ad Creation Time The date and time of the creation of the Ad object. |
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Ad Creative Id The unique identifier for a creative. |
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Ad Creative Type The type of creative. You can create one creative per custom product page per organization. |
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Ad Deleted Indicates whether an ad is deleted. |
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Ad Id An adId is a unique identifier that represents the assignment relationship between an adgroup and an ad. |
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Ad Modification Time The date and time of the most recent modification of the ad. |
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Ad Name The unique name of the ad assigned to an adgroup. |
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Ad Organization Id The identifier of the organization that owns the campaign. Your orgId is the same as your account in the Apple Search Ads UI. |
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Ad Serving State Reasons A list of reasons that displays when an ad isn’t running. For example, if the DeviceClass changes, the servingStateReasons may change. |
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Ad Serving Status The indicator of the status of an ad assignment with an ad group. |
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Ad Status The status of the ad. |
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Creative Set Language Code The ISO 639-1 language code appended to the ISO alpha-2 country code, such as en-US. |
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Creative Set Creation Time The date and time of the creation of the Creative object. |
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Creative Set ID The creativeId is a unique identifier for a creative. |
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Creative Set Modification Time The date and time of the most recent modification of the object. |
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Creative Set Name The name of a creative. |
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Creative Set Organization ID The identifier of the organization that owns a campaign. Your orgId is the same as your account in the Apple Search Ads UI. |
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Creative Set State The system state of the custom product page that indicates whether the page is visible. |
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Creative Set State Reasons The detailed explanation of the system state. |
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Creative Set Type The type of creative. |
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Keyword Bid Amount The maximum cost-per-tap/impression bid amount. This is the offer price for a keyword in a bidding auction. If the bidAmount field is null, the bidAmount uses the defaultBidAmount of the corresponding ad group. |
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Keyword Bid Currency The maximum cost-per-tap/impression bid currency. This is the offer price for a keyword in a bidding auction. If the bidAmount field is null, the bidAmount uses the defaultBidAmount of the corresponding ad group. |
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Keyword Creation Time The date and time of the creation of the keyword object. |
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Keyword Deleted An indicator of whether the keyword is soft-deleted. |
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Keyword Id A unique identifier for the targeting keyword in the payload to update keyword bids or statuses. This keywordId is specific to a particular ad group and match type that you use to update bid amounts. |
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Keyword Match Type An automated keyword and bidding strategy. Match type can be either Broad or Exact. |
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Keyword Modification Time The date and time of the most recent modification of the object. |
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Keyword Status The user-controlled status to enable or pause the keyword. |
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Keyword Text The word or phrase to match in App Store user searches to show your ad. |
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Negative Keyword Deleted An indicator of whether the keyword is soft-deleted. |
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Negative Keyword Id A unique identifier for the negative keyword. |
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Negative Keyword Match Type An automated keyword and bidding strategy. Match type can be either Broad or Exact. |
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Negative Keyword Modification Time The date and time of the most recent modification of the object. |
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Negative Keyword Status The user-controlled status to enable or pause the keyword. |
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Negative Keyword Text The word or phrase to match in App Store user searches to show your ad. |
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Local Spend Amount The total spend amount of a campaign in the currency the organization uses. |
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Local Spend Currency The total spend currency of a campaign in the currency the organization uses. |
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Average Cost Per Acquisition Amount The average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is the total spend divided by the number of installs within the same time period. |
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Average Cost Per Acquisition Currency The average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) is the total spend divided by the number of installs within the same time period. |
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Average CPM Amount The average CPM is the average amount you pay per one thousand ad impressions. |
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Average CPM Currency The average CPM is the average amount you pay per one thousand ad impressions. |
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Average Cost Per Tap Amount The average cost-per-tap (CPT) is the ratio of spend over taps. |
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Average Cost Per Tap Currency The average cost-per-tap (CPT) is the ratio of spend over taps. |
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Conversion Rate The total number of conversions divided by the total number of taps within the same time period. |
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Impressions The number of times your ad appears in App Store search results within the reporting period. |
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Installs The total number of newDownloads or redownloads resulting from an ad within the reporting period. The API attributes Apple Search Ads installs within a 30‑day tap-through window. |
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LAT Off Installs The installs from users who don’t have Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) in an enabled state on their devices.latOnInstallsint64 |
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LAT On Installs The installs from users who have Limit Ad Tracking (LAT) in an enabled state on their devices. |
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New Downloads The enumerated app downloads from new users without previous installs of your app. |
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Redownloads The enumerated reinstalls of your app from users with previous installs. |
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Taps The number of times users tap your ad within the reporting period. |
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Tap-Through Rate (TTR) The tap-through rate (TTR) is the number of times users tap your ad divided by the total impressions your ad receives. |
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Admin Area The adminArea dimension is a group of states or the equivalent according to its associated country. |
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Country Code The countryCode dimension is a group of country codes that indicate the country or region to serve ads in. |
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Country Or Region The countryOrRegion dimension is a group of countries and regions. |
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Locality The locality dimension is the city or group of cities equivalent according to its associated adminArea. |
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Age Range The ageRange dimension is a group of the user demographic age ranges. |
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Gender The gender dimension is a group of user-demographic genders. |
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Device The deviceClass dimension is a group of device classes that the promoted app supports. |
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Search Term Id The search terms id, composed by campaignId-adGroupId-keywordId-searchTermText. |
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Search Term Text The search terms to use for app searches. |
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Search Term Source An automated keyword and bidding strategy. Match type can be either Broad or Exact. |
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Low Impression Share If impression share is 11–20%, lowImpressionShare is 0.11 and highImpressionShare is 0.2. |
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High Impression Share If impression share is 91–100%, lowImpressionShare is 0.91 and highImpressionShare is 1. |
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Rank The ranking of your app in terms of impression share compared to other apps in the same countries or regions. The rank displays from ONE to FIVE or GREATER_THAN_FIVE, with ONE being the highest rank. |
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Search Popularity The total search volume of keyword popularity. The popularity of search terms is based on country or region. The ranking is 1–5, with 5 as the most search volume. |
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Week of the year (start Sunday) Week of the year |
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Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
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Platform Name Return the platform name |