Orders Id Unique identifier for the order |
| ||||||
Orders Id Address Delivery Identifier for the delivery address |
| ||||||
Orders Id Address Invoice Identifier for the invoice address |
| ||||||
Orders Id Cart Identifier for the cart associated with the order |
| ||||||
Orders Id Currency Identifier for the currency used in the order |
| ||||||
Orders Id Lang Identifier for the language used in the order |
| ||||||
Orders Id Carrier Identifier for the carrier service used for delivery |
| ||||||
Orders Current State Current status/state of the order |
| ||||||
Orders Module Payment module used for the order |
| ||||||
Orders Invoice Number Invoice number related to the order |
| ||||||
Orders Invoice Date Date of the invoice associated with the order |
| ||||||
Orders Delivery Number Delivery number associated with the order |
| ||||||
Orders Delivery Date Expected delivery date of the order |
| ||||||
Orders Valid Flag indicating if the order is valid |
| ||||||
Orders Date Add Date and time when the order was added |
| ||||||
Orders Date Upd Date and time when the order was last updated |
| ||||||
Orders Shipping Number Shipping number linked to the order |
| ||||||
Orders Id Shop Group Identifier for the shop group to which the order belongs |
| ||||||
Orders Id Shop Identifier for the shop where the order was placed |
| ||||||
Orders Secure Key Security key associated with the order |
| ||||||
Orders Payment Payment method used for the order |
| ||||||
Orders Recyclable Flag indicating if the order is recyclable |
| ||||||
Orders Gift Flag indicating if the order is a gift |
| ||||||
Orders Gift Message Message included with the gift order |
| ||||||
Orders Mobile Theme Mobile theme used for the order |
| ||||||
Orders Total Discounts Total amount of discounts applied to the order |
| ||||||
Orders Total Discounts Tax Incl Total amount of discounts with tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Total Discounts Tax Excl Total amount of discounts without tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Total Paid Total amount paid for the order |
| ||||||
Orders Total Paid Tax Incl Total amount paid with tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Total Paid Tax Excl Total amount paid without tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Total Paid Real Actual total amount paid for the order |
| ||||||
Orders Total Products Total cost of products in the order |
| ||||||
Orders Total Products Wt Total cost of products with tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Total Shipping Total cost of shipping |
| ||||||
Orders Total Shipping Tax Incl Total cost of shipping with tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Total Shipping Tax Excl Total cost of shipping without tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Carrier Tax Rate Tax rate applied to the carrier service |
| ||||||
Orders Total Wrapping Total cost of wrapping services |
| ||||||
Orders Total Wrapping Tax Incl Total cost of wrapping services with tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Total Wrapping Tax Excl Total cost of wrapping services without tax included |
| ||||||
Orders Round Mode Rounding mode used in calculations |
| ||||||
Orders Round Type Rounding type applied in calculations |
| ||||||
Orders Conversion Rate Currency conversion rate at the time of the order |
| ||||||
Orders Items Quantity Total quantity of items in the order |
| ||||||
Orders Reference Reference code of the order |
| ||||||
Year Year such as 2017. |
| ||||||
Year Quarter Year and quarter. |
| ||||||
Year month Year and month. |
| ||||||
Year week Year and week. |
| ||||||
Date Year, month, and day. |
| ||||||
Year month day hour Year, month, day, and hour. |
| ||||||
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year |
| ||||||
Month of the year Month of the year |
| ||||||
Week of the year Week of the year |
| ||||||
Week of the year (start Sunday) Week of the year |
| ||||||
Month and day Month and day |
| ||||||
Day of the week Week of the year |
| ||||||
Day of the month Day of the year |
| ||||||
Hour of the day Hour of the day |
| ||||||
Orders Item ID Orders Item ID |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product ID Orders Item Product ID |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product Attribute ID Orders Item Product Attribute ID |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product Name Orders Item Product Name |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product Quantity Orders Item Product Quantity |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product Price Orders Item Product Price |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product Reference Orders Item Product Reference |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product EAN13 Orders Item Product EAN13 |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product ISBN Orders Item Product ISBN |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product UPC Orders Item Product UPC |
| ||||||
Orders Item Product Customization ID Orders Item Product Customization ID |
| ||||||
Orders Item Unit Price Tax Incl Orders Item Unit Price Tax Incl |
| ||||||
Orders Item Unit Price Tax Excl Orders Item Unit Price Tax Excl |
| ||||||
Customers Id Unique identifier for the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Id Default Group The default group id assigned to the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Id Lang Language identifier associated with the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Newsletter Date Add Date and time when the customer subscribed to the newsletter |
| ||||||
Customers Ip Registration Newsletter IP address of the customer when they registered for newsletter |
| ||||||
Customers Last Passwd Gen Date and time of the last password generation |
| ||||||
Customers Secure Key Security key associated with the customer account |
| ||||||
Customers Deleted Indicates if the customer account has been deleted |
| ||||||
Customers Passwd Customer's password (encrypted) |
| ||||||
Customers Lastname Customer's last name |
| ||||||
Customers Firstname Customer's first name |
| ||||||
Customers Email Customer's email address |
| ||||||
Customers Id Gender Gender identifier of the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Birthday Customer's date of birth |
| ||||||
Customers Newsletter Indicates if the customer is subscribed to the newsletter |
| ||||||
Customers Optin Indicates whether the customer has opted-in for promotional communications |
| ||||||
Customers Website Customer's website URL |
| ||||||
Customers Company Customer's company name |
| ||||||
Customers Siret SIRET code for the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Ape APE code for the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Outstanding Allow Amount Maximum amount allowed for outstanding payments |
| ||||||
Customers Show Public Prices Indicates if the customer prefers to view public prices |
| ||||||
Customers Id Risk Risk level identifier linked to the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Max Payment Days Maximum number of payment days allowed for the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Active Indicates if the customer account is active or not |
| ||||||
Customers Note Additional notes or comments related to the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Is Guest Indicates if the customer is a guest without registering |
| ||||||
Customers Id Shop Shop identifier to which the customer belongs |
| ||||||
Customers Id Shop Group Shop group identifier associated with the customer |
| ||||||
Customers Date Add Date and time when the customer account was created |
| ||||||
Customers Date Upd Date and time of the last update to the customer account |
| ||||||
Customers Reset Password Token Token generated for resetting customer's password |
| ||||||
Customers Reset Password Validity Validity period for the password reset token |
| ||||||
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
| ||||||
Platform Name Return the platform name |