Marketplace ID Amazon marketplace identifier |
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Ordered Product Sales Amount The amount of ordered product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of products and the number of units sold for the selected time period. |
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Parent ASIN Parent ASIN |
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Child ASIN Child ASIN |
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Title Name, or title, associated with an Amazon catalog item |
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Ordered Product Sales Currency The currency of ordered product sales, calculated by multiplying the price of products and the number of units sold for the selected time period. |
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Ordered Product Sales B2B Amount The amount of ordered product sales to Amazon Business customers, calculated by multiplying the price of products and the number of units sold for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Ordered Product Sales B2B Currency The currency of ordered product sales to Amazon Business customers, calculated by multiplying the price of products and the number of units sold for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Average Sales Per Order Item Amount The average ordered product sales, calculated by dividing orderedProductSales by totalOrderItems for the selected time period. |
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Average Sales Per Order Item Currency The currency ordered product sales, calculated by dividing orderedProductSales by totalOrderItems for the selected time period. |
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Average Sales Per Order Item B2B Amount The average ordered product sales to Amazon Business customers, calculated by dividing orderedProductSalesB2B by totalOrderItemsB2B for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Average Sales Per Order Item B2B Currency The currency ordered product sales to Amazon Business customers, calculated by dividing orderedProductSalesB2B by totalOrderItemsB2B for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Average Selling Price Amount The average price of the units sold in the selected time period, calculated by dividing the orderedProductSales by unitsOrdered for the selected time period. |
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Average Selling Price Currency The currency of the units sold in the selected time period, calculated by dividing the orderedProductSales by unitsOrdered for the selected time period. |
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Average Selling Price B2B Amount The average price of the units sold to Amazon Business customers, calculated by dividing the orderedProductSalesB2B by unitsOrderedB2B for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Average Selling Price B2B Currency The currency of the units sold to Amazon Business customers, calculated by dividing the orderedProductSalesB2B by unitsOrderedB2B for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Claims Amount Monetary amount of filed A-to-z guarantee claims. |
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Claims Currency Monetary currency of filed A-to-z guarantee claims. |
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Shipped Product Sales Amount The amount of ordered product sales shipped for the selected time period. |
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Shipped Product Sales Currency The currency of ordered product sales shipped for the selected time period. |
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Units Ordered The number of units ordered for the selected time period. For clarification on the difference between orders, order items, and units take the following order as an example: An order containing 2 copies of book A and 3 copies of book B; The number of orders is 1, the number of order items is 2 (book A and book B), and the number of units is 5 (2 + 3) |
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Units Ordered B2B The number of units ordered by Amazon Business customers for the selected time period. For clarification on the difference between orders, order items, and units take the following order as an example: An order containing 2 copies of book A and 3 copies of book B; The number of orders is 1, the number of order items is 2 (book A and book B), and the number of units is 5 (2 + 3). Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Total Order Items The number of items that were ordered for the selected time period. For clarification on the difference between orders, order items, and units take the following order as an example: An order containing 2 copies of book A and 3 copies of book B; The number of orders is 1, the number of order items is 2 (book A and book B), and the number of units is 5 (2 + 3). |
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Total Order Items B2B The number of items that were ordered by Amazon Business customers for the selected time period. For clarification on the difference between orders, order items, and units take the following order as an example: An order containing 2 copies of book A and 3 copies of book B; The number of orders is 1, the number of order items is 2 (book A and book B), and the number of units is 5 (2 + 3). Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Average Units Per Order Item The average number of units in each order item for the selected time period. |
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Average Units Per Order Item B2B The average number of units in each order item ordered by Amazon Business customers for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Units Refunded The number of units refunded in the selected time period. |
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Refund Rate The percentage conversion metric indicating how many orders were refunded by the seller, calculated by dividing unitsOrdered by unitsRefunded in the selected time period. |
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Claims Granted The number of A-to-z guarantee claims granted. |
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Units Shipped The number of units shipped in the selected time period. |
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Orders Shipped The number of orders shipped in the selected time period. |
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Browser Page Views Browser page views are the number of times any user visited your browser pages for the selected time period. |
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Browser Page Views B2B Browser B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer visited your browser pages for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Mobile App Page Views Mobile app page views are the number of times any user visited your mobile app pages for the selected time period. |
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Mobile App Page Views B2B Mobile app B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer visited your mobile app pages for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Page Views Page views are the number of times any user visited your pages using browser or mobile app for the selected time period. |
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Page Views B2B B2B page views are the number of times an Amazon Business customer visited your pages using browser or mobile app for the selected time period. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Browser Sessions Browser sessions are visits to your browser pages by any user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a browser session. For example, if any user visits your pages using browser multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single session. |
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Browser Sessions B2B Browser B2B sessions are visits to your browser pages by an Amazon Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a browser session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your pages using browser multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single session. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Mobile App Sessions Mobile app sessions are visits to your mobile app pages by any user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a mobile app session. For example, if any user visits your pages using mobile app multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single session. |
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Mobile App Sessions B2B Mobile app B2B sessions are visits to your mobile app pages by an Amazon Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a mobile app session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your pages using mobile app multiple times within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single session. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Sessions Sessions are visits to your pages using browser or mobile app by any user. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session. For example, if any user visits your pages multiple times using mobile app or browser within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single session. |
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Sessions B2B B2B sessions are visits to your pages using browser or mobile app by an Amazon Business customer. All activity within a 24-hour period is considered a session. For example, if an Amazon Business customer visits your pages multiple times using mobile app or browser within a 24 hour period it is counted as a single session. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Buy Box Percentage The percentage of page views where the buy box (the add to shopping cart link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart. |
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Buy Box Percentage B2B The percentage of page views by Amazon Business customers where the buy box (the add to shopping cart link) appeared on the page for customers to add your product to their cart. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Order Item Session Percentage The percentage conversion metric indicating how many order items were generated relative to the number of people who viewed the products. |
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Order Item Session Percentage B2B The percentage conversion metric indicating how many order items were generated by Amazon Business customers relative to the number of Amazon Business customers who viewed the products. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Unit Session Percentage The percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased relative to the number of people who viewed the products. |
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Unit Session Percentage B2B The percentage conversion metric indicating how many units were purchased by Amazon Business customers relative to number of Amazon Business customers who viewed the products. Note: This field is only populated when the seller is a B2B seller. |
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Average Offer Count The average number of offers listed for sale in the selected time period. It is calculated from the total number of offers and the total number of days in the selected time period. |
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Average Parent Items The average number of parent items listed for sale in the selected time period. |
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Feedback Received The number of customer feedback received in the selected time period. |
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Negative Feedback Received The number of negative customer feedback received in the selected time period. |
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Received Negative Feedback Rate The negative feedback rate is the number of orders that have received a negative feedback divided by the number of orders in the selected time period. |
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Amazon Order ID An Amazon-defined order identifier, in 3-7-7 format. |
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Seller Order ID A seller-defined order identifier. |
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Order Purchase Date The date when the order was created. |
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Order Last Update Date The date when the order was last updated. |
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Order Status The current order status. |
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Fulfillment Channel Whether the order was fulfilled by Amazon (AFN) or by the seller (MFN). |
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Sales Channel The sales channel of the first item in the order. |
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Order Channel The order channel of the first item in the order. |
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Ship Service Level The shipment service level of the order. |
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Product Name The name of the product |
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Product SKU The SKU of the product |
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Product ASIN The ASIN of the product |
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Item Status The Product Item Status of the product |
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Item Quantity Item Quantity |
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Item Currency Item Currency |
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Product Item Price Product Item Price |
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Product Item Tax Product Item Tax |
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Shipping Price Shipping Price |
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Shipping Tax Shipping Tax |
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Gift Price Gift Price |
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Order Total Amount Order Total Amount |
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Gift Tax Gift Tax |
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Promotion Discount Promotion Discount |
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Ship Promotion Discount Ship Promotion Discount |
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Ship City Ship City |
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Ship Postal Code Ship Postal Code |
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Ship State Ship State |
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Ship Country Ship Country |
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Promotion IDs Promotion IDs |
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IS Business Order IS Business Order |
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Purchase Number Order Purchase Number Order |
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Price Designation Price Designation |
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Signature Confirmation Recommended Signature Confirmation Recommended |
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Year Year such as 2017. |
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Year Quarter Year and quarter. |
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Year month Year and month. |
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Date Year, month and day |
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Year week Year and week. |
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Quarter of the year Quarter of the year |
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Month of the year Month of the year |
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Week of the year Week of the year |
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Month and day Month and day |
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Day of the week Day of the week |
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Day of the year Day of the year |
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Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
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Platform Name Return the platform name |