Account ID Get the account ID. | Field ID | account/id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Avatar URL Get the Account Avatar URL. | Field ID | account/avatar_url | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Avatar URL 100x User's profile image in 100 * 100 size. | Field ID | account/avatar_url_100 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Avatar URL 200x User's profile image in 200 * 200 size. | Field ID | account/avatar_url_200 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Avatar Large URL User's profile name. | Field ID | account/avatar_url_large | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Display Name User's profile name. | Field ID | account/display_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Year Year such as 2017. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR | Type | YEAR | Data Type | dimension |
Year Quarter Year and quarter. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_QUARTER | Type | YEAR_QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Year month Year and month. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH | Type | YEAR_MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Year week Year and week. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_WEEK | Type | YEAR_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Date Year, month, and day. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Year month day hour Year, month, day, and hour. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Data Type | dimension |
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_QUARTER | Type | QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Month of the year Month of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH | Type | MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Week of the year Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_WEEK | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Month and day Month and day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH_DAY | Type | MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the week Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK | Type | DAY_OF_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the month Day of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY | Type | DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Hour of the day Hour of the day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_HOUR | Type | HOUR | Data Type | dimension |
Created Time Created time of the video | Field ID | video/create_time | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Cover Image A CDN link for the video's cover image. The image is static. Due to our trust and safety policies, the link has a TTL of 6 hours. | Field ID | video/cover_image_url | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Share URL A sharable link for this TikTok video. Note that the website behaves differently on Mobile and Desktop devices. | Field ID | video/share_url | Type | URL | Data Type | dimension |
Video Description The description that the creator has set for the TikTok video. | Field ID | video/video_description | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Duration The duration of the TikTok video in seconds. | Field ID | video/duration | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Height The height of the TikTok video. | Field ID | video/height | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Width The width of the TikTok video. | Field ID | video/width | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Video ID Unique identifier for the TikTok video. | Field ID | video/id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Title Title of the video. Included when requested in the fields. | Field ID | video/title | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Video Like Count Like count of the video. | Field ID | like_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Video Comment Count Comment count of the video. | Field ID | comment_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Video Share Count Share count of the video. | Field ID | share_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Video View Count View count of the video. | Field ID | view_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
User's followers count User's followers count | Field ID | account/follower_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
User's Following count The number of accounts that the user is following. | Field ID | account/following_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
User Like count The total number of likes received by the user across all of their videos. | Field ID | account/likes_count | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Week of the year (start Sunday) Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_WEEK_START_SUNDAY | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. | Field ID | _catchr_date_extract | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND | Data Type | dimension |
Platform Name Return the platform name | Field ID | _catchr_platform_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |