Cart abandonment rate The percentage of sessions during which shoppers abandoned their carts. Cart abandonment rate = Sessions with abandoned cart / Sessions * 100%. |
| ||||||
Bounce rate The percentage of sessions during which visitors viewed only one page and didn’t continue to another page view, goal conversion, or order. Bounce rate = (Bounces / Sessions) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Page bounce rate An accurate bounce rate for a page URL or page title. The percentage of sessions during which visitors viewed only that page and didn’t continue to another page view, goal conversion, or order. Page bounce rate = (Bounces / Entries) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Bounces The number of sessions during which visitors viewed an entry page but didn’t continue to another page view, goal conversion, or order. |
| ||||||
Adds to cart The number of times shoppers added products to their carts. |
| ||||||
Removes from cart The number of times shoppers removed products from their carts. |
| ||||||
Cart-to-detail rate The percentage counted as: Product adds to cart / Product detail views * 100%. This metric helps you gauge how product details affect cart additions. |
| ||||||
Consent form clicks Clicks on one of the buttons on the form: accept all, reject all, save choices, close. |
| ||||||
Consent form impressions Times a visitor is served a consent form. |
| ||||||
Consents to A/B testing and personalization Times a visitor agreed to A/B testing and personalization. |
| ||||||
Consents to analytics Times a visitor agreed to analytics. |
| ||||||
Any consents Times a visitor accepted one or more consent types, but not all. |
| ||||||
Changed consents Times a visitor changed their consent. |
| ||||||
Consents to conversion tracking Times a visitor agreed to conversion tracking. |
| ||||||
Custom consents Times a visitor agreed to custom consent. |
| ||||||
First consents Times a visitor gave their first consent. |
| ||||||
Full consents Times a visitor accepted all consent types. |
| ||||||
Consents to marketing automation Times a visitor agreed to marketing automation. |
| ||||||
No decisions Times a visitor ignored the consent form without making any decision. |
| ||||||
No consents Times a visitor didn't consent to anything. |
| ||||||
Consents to remarketing Times a visitor agreed to remarketing. |
| ||||||
Consents to user feedback Times a visitor agreed to user feedback. |
| ||||||
Content impressions The number of times a content block was displayed to visitors. |
| ||||||
Content interaction rate The percentage of visitors who interacted with displayed content. Content interaction rate = (Content interactions / Content impressions) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Content interactions The number of times visitors interacted with a content block, for example, clicked an element in a content block. |
| ||||||
Custom events The number of tracked custom events. |
| ||||||
Downloads The number of clicks on links to downloadable files. |
| ||||||
Abandoned carts The total number of abandoned carts. An abandoned cart happens when a shopper places products in a cart but doesn't complete a purchase. |
| ||||||
Order rate The percentage of sessions during which shoppers completed their orders. Order conversion rate = Sessions with order / Sessions * 100%. |
| ||||||
Orders The total number of orders placed in your online store. An order is placed when a shopper completes the checkout process and pays for the product. |
| ||||||
Entries The number of page views for a page that was the first during a session. |
| ||||||
Entry rate The percentage of sessions that started on a selected page. It works only with these dimensions: page URL, page title, session entry URL. Entry rate = (Entries / Sessions) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Events The number of events performed by visitors. |
| ||||||
Events per session The average number of events in a session. |
| ||||||
Exit rate The percentage of sessions that finished on a selected page. Exit rate = (Exits / Sessions) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Exit rate (events) The percentage of sessions that finished on a selected event. Exit rate (events) = (Exits / Unique page views) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Exits The number of page views for a page that was the last during a session. |
| ||||||
Goal conversion rate The percentage of sessions during which visitors completed a goal. Goal conversion rate = (Sessions with a completed goal / Sessions) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Goal conversions The total number of completed goals, repeated goals included. |
| ||||||
Order-to-detail rate The percentage counted as: Orders / Product detail views * 100%. This metric helps you gauge how product details affect product sales. |
| ||||||
Outlinks The number of clicks on links to external domains. |
| ||||||
Page views The number of times a page was visited. |
| ||||||
Product detail views The number of times shoppers viewed the product detail page. |
| ||||||
% of returning visitors The percentage of returning visitors. |
| ||||||
Searches The number of searches on your site or app. |
| ||||||
Sessions The number of sessions performed by visitors. A session starts with the first event and ends 30 minutes after the last event (after the session is over). |
| ||||||
Total quantity The total number of products in the cart. |
| ||||||
Unique content impressions The number of times a content block was uniquely displayed to visitors. Each unique combination of a content name, piece, and target is counted once per session. |
| ||||||
Unique content interactions The number of times visitors uniquely interacted with a content block, for example, clicked an element in a content block. Each unique combination of content name, piece, and target is counted once per session. |
| ||||||
Unique custom events The number of tracked unique custom events. Each unique combination of an event category, action, and name is counted once per session. |
| ||||||
Unique downloads The number of unique clicks on links to downloadable files. When a visitor clicks the same link many times during a session, it will be counted only once. |
| ||||||
Unique goal conversions The number of uniquely completed goals. Repeated goals are counted only once per session. |
| ||||||
Unique outlinks The number of unique clicks on links to external domains. When a visitor clicks the same link many times during a session, it will be counted only once. |
| ||||||
Unique page views The number of times a page was uniquely visited. If a visitor views a page several times during one session, it will be counted only once. |
| ||||||
Unique purchases The number of the product purchases (orders with the product added to the cart). |
| ||||||
Unique searches The number of unique searches on your site or app. Each unique combination of a search keyword and category is counted once per session. |
| ||||||
Users The number of visitors with the User ID. |
| ||||||
Visitor IPs The number of unique IP addresses with the IPv4 protocol. |
| ||||||
Visitors The number of unique visitors. Every visitor is counted once, even if they visit the site or app many times in a given date range. |
| ||||||
Currency (site or app) The currency set in the site or app settings at the time the event was tracked, used during data processing. |
| ||||||
Currency conversion rate The exchange rate used for currency conversion. |
| ||||||
Browser engine The name of the visitor’s browser engine. |
| ||||||
Browser fingerprint |
| ||||||
Browser language The language of the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Browser name The name of the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Browser version The version of the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Campaign content The content of an online campaign taken from utm_content. |
| ||||||
Gclid Google Click ID which is assigned to the click on the ad and passed to the landing page. |
| ||||||
Campaign ID The ID of an online campaign taken from utm_id. |
| ||||||
Campaign name The name of an online campaign taken from utm_campaign. |
| ||||||
Consent action When consent was given by the visitor: for the first time or changed later on. |
| ||||||
Consent form button A button on your consent form: agree all, reject all, save choices or close. |
| ||||||
Consent scope What consent was given by the visitor: full, any or none. |
| ||||||
Consent source Where visitors clicked to consent or not: a popup or bottom bar, reminder, privacy settings on a page. |
| ||||||
Consent to A/B testing and personalization A visitor consents or not to A/B testing and personalization. |
| ||||||
Consent to analytics A visitor consents or not to analytics. |
| ||||||
Consent to conversion tracking A visitor consents or not to conversion tracking. |
| ||||||
Custom consent A visitor consents or not to the custom consent type. |
| ||||||
Consent to marketing automation A visitor consents or not to marketing automation. |
| ||||||
Consent to remarketing A visitor consents or not to remarketing. |
| ||||||
Consent to user feedback A visitor consents or not to user feedback. |
| ||||||
Content name The name of the tracked content block. |
| ||||||
Content piece The piece of the tracked content block. |
| ||||||
Content target The target of the tracked content block. |
| ||||||
Cookie ID A unique identifier of the browser. |
| ||||||
Currency conversion date The date of the exchange rate used for currency conversion. |
| ||||||
Custom event action The action of the custom event. |
| ||||||
Custom event category The category of the custom event. |
| ||||||
Custom event name The name of the custom event. |
| ||||||
Custom event value The value of the custom event. |
| ||||||
Device brand The brand of the visitor’s device. |
| ||||||
Device model The model of visitor’s device. |
| ||||||
Device type The type of the visitor’s device. |
| ||||||
Domain lookup time The time taken to resolve the server’s IP address. |
| ||||||
Download URL The URL of the downloadable file clicked by the visitor. |
| ||||||
Event custom dimension 1 |
| ||||||
Event custom dimension 2 |
| ||||||
Event custom dimension 3 |
| ||||||
Event custom dimension 4 |
| ||||||
Event custom dimension 5 |
| ||||||
Event custom dimension * |
| ||||||
Event custom variable key 1 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable key 2 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable key 3 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable key 4 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable key 5 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable key * |
| ||||||
Event custom variable value 1 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable value 2 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable value 3 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable value 4 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable value 5 |
| ||||||
Event custom variable value * |
| ||||||
Event ID |
| ||||||
Event index |
| ||||||
Page title The title of the page on which an event took place. |
| ||||||
Event type The type of event such as a page view, download, outlink, performed by a visitor. |
| ||||||
Page URL The URL of the page on which an event took place. |
| ||||||
Goal name The name of the goal. |
| ||||||
Goal revenue The revenue generated by a goal in the local currency. |
| ||||||
Goal revenue (converted) The revenue generated by a goal, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Goal revenue (USD) The revenue generated by a goal, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Goal name The name of the goal. |
| ||||||
Currency (Google Ads) The currency set in your Google Ads account settings. It's imported with other Google Ads data. |
| ||||||
IPv4 address IPv4 address of a visitor. For filtering and segmenting purpose only. |
| ||||||
IPv6 address IPv6 address of a visitor. For filtering and segmenting purpose only. |
| ||||||
Bounced session A bounced or non-bounced session. Bounce is when a visitor viewed an entry page but didn’t continue to another page view, goal conversion or order. |
| ||||||
Entry view |
| ||||||
Exit view |
| ||||||
Unique item count The number of unique items in an order or an abandoned basket. |
| ||||||
Keyword The keyword that a visitor used in a search engine or a keyword added as a campaign parameter. |
| ||||||
Local time (hour) The time of the event in the visitor's time zone. |
| ||||||
City The city from which a visitor entered your site or app. |
| ||||||
Continent The continent from which a visitor entered your site or app. |
| ||||||
Country The country from which a visitor entered your site or app. |
| ||||||
Latitude Geographic latitude at which a visitor entered your site or app. |
| ||||||
Longitude Geographic longitude at which a visitor entered your site or app. |
| ||||||
Designated market area A media region where people receive similar content on TV, radio, newspaper, and internet. |
| ||||||
Organization The name of the visitor’s organization, such as a business, educational, government unit. The organization is a company to which the internet service provider has sublet the IP address range. When an organization is not identified, this dimension contains the name of the internet service provider instead of the name of the business. |
| ||||||
Provider The name of the visitor’s internet service provider. |
| ||||||
Subdivision The region, state, province, and the like from which a visitor entered your site or app. It's the principal subdivision coded in ISO-3166. |
| ||||||
Subdivision 2 The region, state, province, and the like from which a visitor entered your site or app. It's the secondary subdivision coded in ISO-3166. |
| ||||||
Abandoned cart value The total value of abandoned carts in the local currency, excluding discounts, shipping, and taxes. Abandoned carts happen when shoppers add items to their carts but leave without completing the purchase. |
| ||||||
Abandoned cart value (converted) The total value of abandoned carts, excluding discounts, shipping, and taxes, converted to the site or app currency. Abandoned carts happen when shoppers add items to their carts but leave without completing the purchase. |
| ||||||
Abandoned cart value (USD) The total value of abandoned carts, excluding discounts, shipping, and taxes, converted to the base currency (USD). Abandoned carts happen when shoppers add items to their carts but leave without completing the purchase. |
| ||||||
Medium The category of the source such as organic (unpaid search in the search engine), cpc (paid search in the search engine), referral (web referral), email (email campaign), and the like. |
| ||||||
Next page view title The title of the page that was viewed next. |
| ||||||
Next page view URL The URL of the page that was viewed next. |
| ||||||
Operating system The name of the visitor’s operating system. |
| ||||||
Operating system version The version of the visitor’s operating system. |
| ||||||
Order ID The unique identifier (ID) of the order. |
| ||||||
Outlink URL The URL of the external domain that was clicked by the visitor. |
| ||||||
Page generation time The page loading time on the visitor’s device. |
| ||||||
Page rendering time The time taken to create the render tree, layout, and finally draw the website in the browser. |
| ||||||
Page view index |
| ||||||
Cookie support An enabled or disabled support for cookies in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Director plugin An enabled or disabled Director plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Flash plugin An enabled or disabled flash plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Gears plugin An enabled or disabled Gears plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Java plugin An enabled or disabled Java plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
PDF plugin An enabled or disabled PDF plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
QuickTime plugin An enabled or disabled QuickTime plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
RealPlayer plugin An enabled or disabled RealPlayer plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Silverlight plugin An enabled or disabled Silverlight plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Windows media player plugin An enabled or disabled Windows Media Player plugin in the visitor’s browser. |
| ||||||
Previous page view title The title of the page that was viewed previously. |
| ||||||
Previous page view URL The URL of the page that was viewed previously. |
| ||||||
Product brand The brand of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Product category A category that includes all product category levels in your online store. Example: "Clothes/Men/T-shirts". |
| ||||||
Product category (Level 1) The first-level category of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Product category (Level 2) The second-level category of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Product category (Level 3) The third-level category of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Product category (Level 4) The fourth-level category of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Product category (Level 5) The fifth-level category of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Unique product count The number of unique products. When a customer orders two iPhone 14s, the product quantity will be 2, and the unique product count will be 1. |
| ||||||
Product dimension 1 |
| ||||||
Product dimension 2 |
| ||||||
Product dimension 3 |
| ||||||
Product dimension 4 |
| ||||||
Product dimension 5 |
| ||||||
Product dimension * |
| ||||||
Product name The name of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Product price The price of the product in the local currency. |
| ||||||
Product price (converted) The price of the product, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Product price (USD) The price of the product, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Product quantity The total number of products. When a customer orders two iPhone 14s, the product quantity will be 2, and the unique product count will be 1. |
| ||||||
Product revenue The value calculated by multiplying the product price by the product quantity in the local currency. |
| ||||||
Product revenue (converted) The value calculated by multiplying the product price by the product quantity, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Product revenue (USD) The value calculated by multiplying the product price by the product quantity, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Product SKU The stock-keeping unit of the product in your online store. |
| ||||||
Product variant The variant of the product in your online store. Example: color and size. |
| ||||||
Product brand (array) |
| ||||||
Product category (array) |
| ||||||
Product category 1 (array) |
| ||||||
Product category 2 (array) |
| ||||||
Product category 3 (array) |
| ||||||
Product category 4 (array) |
| ||||||
Product category 5 (array) |
| ||||||
Product dimension 1 (array) |
| ||||||
Product dimension 2 (array) |
| ||||||
Product dimension 3 (array) |
| ||||||
Product dimension 4 (array) |
| ||||||
Product dimension 5 (array) |
| ||||||
Product dimension * (array) |
| ||||||
Product name (array) |
| ||||||
Product price (array) |
| ||||||
Product price (array, converted) |
| ||||||
Product price (array, USD) |
| ||||||
Product quantity (array) |
| ||||||
Product revenue (array) |
| ||||||
Product revenue (array, converted) |
| ||||||
Product revenue (array, USD) |
| ||||||
Product SKU (array) |
| ||||||
Product variant (array) |
| ||||||
Time of redirections The time of one or more redirects that occurred. Transactions that don’t have any HTTP redirections are not included in calculating the average value. |
| ||||||
Channel The channel of the incoming traffic. The channels are: direct entry, search engine, website, and campaign. |
| ||||||
Referrer URL The URL of the page that referred a visitor to your site or app. |
| ||||||
Resolution The number of horizontal and vertical pixels on the visitor’s device. |
| ||||||
Resolution height The number of horizontal pixels on the visitor’s device. |
| ||||||
Resolution width The number of vertical pixels on the visitor’s device. |
| ||||||
Revenue The total order value in the local currency, including subtotal, tax, shipping and discounts. |
| ||||||
Revenue (converted) The total order value, including subtotal, tax, shipping and discounts, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Revenue (USD) The total order value, including subtotal, tax, shipping and discounts, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Discount The total discount value applied to the order in the local currency. |
| ||||||
Discount (converted) The total discount value applied to the order, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Discount (USD) The total discount value applied to the order, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Shipping The total shipping cost of the order in the local currency. |
| ||||||
Shipping (converted) The total shipping cost of the order, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Shipping (USD) The total shipping cost of the order, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Subtotal The total order value in the local currency, excluding shipping and discounts. |
| ||||||
Subtotal (converted) The total order value, excluding shipping and discounts, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Subtotal (USD) The total order value, excluding shipping and discounts, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Tax The total tax amount of the order in the local currency. |
| ||||||
Tax (converted) The total tax amount of the order, converted to the site or app currency. |
| ||||||
Tax (USD) The total tax amount of the order, converted to the base currency (USD). |
| ||||||
Search category The category of the keyword used in the search engine on your site or app. |
| ||||||
Search keyword The keyword used in the search engine on your site or app. It works only with these metrics: searches, unique searches. . |
| ||||||
Search results count The count of searches on your site or app. |
| ||||||
Server connection time The time taken to establish a connection with the web server. |
| ||||||
Server response time The time taken to receive the first byte of response from the server to the browser’s request. |
| ||||||
Session custom dimension 1 |
| ||||||
Session custom dimension 2 |
| ||||||
Session custom dimension 3 |
| ||||||
Session custom dimension 4 |
| ||||||
Session custom dimension 5 |
| ||||||
Session custom dimension * |
| ||||||
Session custom variable key 1 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable key 2 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable key 3 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable key 4 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable key 5 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable key * |
| ||||||
Session custom variable value 1 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable value 2 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable value 3 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable value 4 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable value 5 |
| ||||||
Session custom variable value * |
| ||||||
Shopping stage A stage that a shopper completed during a session. The stages are: No shopping activity, Ordered, Abandoned cart, Ordered and abandoned cart. |
| ||||||
Session entry title The title of the first visited page during a session. |
| ||||||
Session entry URL The URL of the first visited page during the session. |
| ||||||
Session exit title The page title of the last visited page during the session. |
| ||||||
Session exit URL The URL of the last visited page during the session. |
| ||||||
Session goals List of goals on which user converted during the session. It can be used only for filtering purposes. |
| ||||||
Session goals List of goals on which user converted during the session. It can be used only for filtering purposes. |
| ||||||
Session ID |
| ||||||
Session second title The title of the second page visited by a visitor during a session. |
| ||||||
Session second URL The URL of the second page visited by a visitor during a session. |
| ||||||
Abandoned carts in session The number of abandoned carts during a session. |
| ||||||
Adds to cart in session The number of adds to cart during a session. |
| ||||||
Removes from cart in session The number of removes from cart during a session. |
| ||||||
Content impressions in session The number of content impressions during a session. |
| ||||||
Content interactions in session The number of content interactions during a session. |
| ||||||
Custom events in session The number of custom events during a session. |
| ||||||
Downloads in session The number of download events during a session. |
| ||||||
Orders in session The number of orders placed during a session. |
| ||||||
Events in session The number of events during a session. |
| ||||||
Goal conversions in session The number of completed goals during a session. |
| ||||||
Outlinks in session The number of clicked outlinks during a session. |
| ||||||
Page views in session The number of page views during a session. |
| ||||||
Product detail views in session The number of product detail views during a session. |
| ||||||
Site searches in session The number of searches on your site or app during a session. |
| ||||||
Session time The duration of a session measured from the first to last event during a visit. |
| ||||||
Unique content impressions in session The number of unique content impressions during a session. |
| ||||||
Unique content interactions in session The number of unique content interactions during a session. |
| ||||||
Unique custom events in session The number of unique custom events during a session. |
| ||||||
Unique downloads in session The number of unique download events during a session. |
| ||||||
Unique outlinks in session The number of uniquely clicked outlinks during a session. |
| ||||||
Unique page views in session The number of unique page views during a session. |
| ||||||
Unique site searches in session The number of unique searches on your site or app during a session. |
| ||||||
Source The origin of the incoming traffic such as direct, a search engine (for example, google) or a domain ( |
| ||||||
Source / medium A dimension that combines two dimensions: source and medium. Source is the origin of the incoming traffic. Medium is the category of the source. |
| ||||||
Time on page The amount of time the visitor spent on the page. |
| ||||||
Date Day and time of the event in the site’s time zone. |
| ||||||
Time until DOM is ready The time taken to process the page document HTML and CSS. |
| ||||||
Time to interact The time from the user request (for example, click a link or submission of the URL in the browser) to the point when page content and main scripts are loaded and the user can interact with the page. It’s the time of the transaction between the client and the server. |
| ||||||
Currency (event) The local currency tracked with an event. |
| ||||||
User ID The ID of the visitor coming from an external source. |
| ||||||
Days since first session The number of days since the visitor had their first session. |
| ||||||
Days since last session The number of days since the visitor had their last session. |
| ||||||
Days since last order The number of days since the visitor made their last order. |
| ||||||
Visitor ID A unique identifier of the visitor. |
| ||||||
Returning visitor A new or returning visitor. |
| ||||||
Session number The number of the session counted for a visitor. Each time a visitor starts a session, a session counter increments for that visitor. |
| ||||||
Site or app name |
| ||||||
Average CPC (Google Ads) Average cost-per-click (CPC) is the amount you’ve paid for your ad divided by its total clicks. Average CPC = (Cost / Click) * 100%. |
| ||||||
Clicks (Google Ads) The number of times people click on your ad. |
| ||||||
Cost (Google Ads) The amount you’ve paid for your ads in Google Ads. |
| ||||||
CTR (Google Ads) Click-through rate (CTR) measures how often people click your ad in Google Ads after it’s shown to them. (CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) * 100%). |
| ||||||
Impressions (Google Ads) The number of times your ad was served on Google or Google Network. |
| ||||||
ROAS (Google Ads) ROAS (return on ad spend) is a web analytics metric that shows how much revenue is generated for every dollar spent on Google Ads. ROAS is a ratio of revenue from conversions to ad spend. A ROAS of $3.20 means that each $1 spent on ads generated $3.20 in revenue. Formula: ROAS = (Sum of revenue + Sum of goal revenue) / Cost (Google Ads). |
| ||||||
Ad group ad ID (Google Ads) The combination of a unique number that’s assigned to each group and each ad in Google Ads. Ad group ad ID = Ad group + Ad ID. |
| ||||||
Ad group ID (Google Ads) The unique number that’s assigned to each ad group in Google Ads. |
| ||||||
Ad group name (Google Ads) The name of your ad group in Google Ads. |
| ||||||
Ad network type (Google Ads) The network where your ad was displayed. The networks are: content, mixed, search, search partners, unknown, unspecified, YouTube search, and YouTube watch. |
| ||||||
Campaign ID (Google Ads) The unique number that’s assigned to each campaign in Google Ads. |
| ||||||
Campaign name (Google Ads) The name of your campaign in Google Ads. |
| ||||||
Account ID (Google Ads) The unique number that’s assigned to each Google Ads account. |
| ||||||
Account (Google Ads) The name of your Google Ads account. |
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Keyword match type (Google Ads) The keyword matching option that you’ve used for keywords in Google Ads. The match types are: broad, exact, and phrase. |
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Average position (search engine) The average ranking of your website’s URL for the one or more keywords. For example, if your site’s URL appeared at position 3 for one keyword and position 7 for another keyword, the average position would be 5 ((3+7)/2). |
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Clicks (search engine) The number of clicks on your website URLs from Google Search results. It doesn’t include clicks on paid Google Ads search results. |
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CTR (search engine) The click-through rate. CTR = (Clicks / Impressions) * 100 . |
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Impressions (search engine) The number of times any URL from your site appeared in Google search results and was seen by a visitor. It doesn’t include paid Google Ads search impressions. |
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Search engine keyword Queries that generated impressions of your website’s URLs in Google organic search results. |
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Comments (SharePoint) The number of posted comments and comment replies. |
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Creations (SharePoint) The number of created objects. The creation is counted when a user creates a page, file, and the like. |
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Deletions (SharePoint) The number of object deletions. The deletion is counted when a user deletes a page, file, and the like. |
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Edits (SharePoint) The number of object edits. The edit is counted when a user edits a page, file, and the like. |
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Item attachment views (SharePoint) The number of item attachment views. The item attachment view is counted when a user views an item attachment on the list by clicking on it. |
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Item shares (SharePoint) The number of shares of items on the list. |
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Item views (SharePoint) The number of item views. The item view is counted when a user sees an item on the list by clicking on it or entering a direct URL. |
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Likes (SharePoint) The number of likes that content has received. It doesn’t include comment likes. |
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File openings (SharePoint) The number of file openings. The file opening is counted when a user clicks a file in SharePoint to open it. It doesn’t include openings of attachments from list items. (See: Item attachment views). |
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Promotions (SharePoint) The number of page promotions such as: Add page to navigation, Post as news, Save as template. |
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Shares (SharePoint) The number of shares such as: Copy link or Send message. |
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Uploads (SharePoint) The number of uploaded files. |
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Comments in session (SharePoint) The number of comments and comment replies during a session. |
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Creations in session (SharePoint) The number of times a content was created during a session. For example, a page was published or a file was uploaded. |
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Deletions in session (SharePoint) The number of times a content like page or file was deleted. |
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Edits in session (SharePoint) The number of times a content was edited during a session. |
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Item attachment views in session (SharePoint) The number of item attachment views during a session. The item attachment view is counted when a user opens an item attachment on the list by clicking on it. |
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Item shares in session (SharePoint) The number of item shares during a session. |
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Item views in session (SharePoint) The number of item views during a session. The item view is counted when a user views an item on the list by clicking on it or entering a direct URL. |
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Likes in session (SharePoint) The number of likes given to pages during a session. |
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File openings in session (SharePoint) The number of times a file was opened during a session. |
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Promotions in session (SharePoint) The number of promotions during a session. The promotion is tracked when a user performs one of these actions: Promote: Add page to navigation, Promote: Post as news on this site, Promote: Save as template, Pin to top. |
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Shares in session (SharePoint) The number of shares during a session. The share is tracked when a user performs one of these actions: Promote: Send email, Promote: Copy page link, Document library: Item share, In the top bar: Send by email. |
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Uploads in session (SharePoint) The number of times a file was uploaded during a session. |
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Action (SharePoint) The name of an action performed by the user in SharePoint such as Like, Comment, Share. |
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Author (SharePoint) The author of content created in SharePoint. |
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Author’s department (SharePoint) The department of content author. |
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Author’s full name (SharePoint) The full name of content author. |
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Author’s job title (SharePoint) The job title of content author. |
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Author’s office (SharePoint) The office of content author. |
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Content type (SharePoint) The type of page the user interacted with. For example, a news page. |
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Department (SharePoint) The department of SharePoint user. |
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Full name (SharePoint) The full name of SharePoint user. |
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File type (SharePoint) The type of a file such as xls, docx, pdf. |
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File URL (SharePoint) The URL of a file the user interacted with. The URLs of attachments added to list items are not tracked. |
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Job title (SharePoint) The job title of SharePoint user. |
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Object type (SharePoint) The type of an object the user interacted with such as Page, List, File. |
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Office (SharePoint) The office of SharePoint user. |
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Year Month Day Year Month Day such as 20240401. |
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Year Year such as 2017. |
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Year Quarter Year and quarter. |
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Year month Year and month. |
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Year week Year and week. |
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Quarter of the year Quarter of the year |
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Month of the year Month of the year |
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Week of the year Week of the year |
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Month and day Month and day |
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Day of the week Day of the week |
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Day of the year Day of the year |
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Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
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Platform Name Return the platform name |