Contact Creation Date The date the contact has been created. |
| ||||||
Contact Email The contact email. |
| ||||||
Contact Phone The contact phone. |
| ||||||
Contact First Name The first name of the contact. |
| ||||||
Contact Last Name the last name of the contact. |
| ||||||
Contact Organisation Id The contact organisation id. |
| ||||||
Contact Id The id of the contact. |
| ||||||
Contact Bounced Hard Number of times this contact has hard-bounced. Example: 0. |
| ||||||
Contact Bounced Soft Number of times this contact has soft-bounced. Example: 0 |
| ||||||
Contact Bounced Date Date of most recent bounce for this contact. |
| ||||||
Contact IP IP address of the contact. Example: |
| ||||||
Contact UA Contact UA. |
| ||||||
Contact Hash Contact hash. |
| ||||||
Contact Last Check Last time social data was fetched for this contact.. |
| ||||||
Contact Email local Contact email local. |
| ||||||
Contact Email Domain Contact email domain. |
| ||||||
Contact Sent Cnt Contact sentcnt. |
| ||||||
Contact Rating Tstamp Contact rating_tstamp. |
| ||||||
Contact Gr Avatar Contact gravatar. |
| ||||||
Contact Deleted Contact deleted. |
| ||||||
Contact Add Date Contact adate. |
| ||||||
Contact Unsubscribe Date Contact unsubscribe date. |
| ||||||
Contact Edit Date Contact edate. |
| ||||||
Contact Id Id of the Contact. |
| ||||||
Contact Organization Contact organization. |
| ||||||
Campaign Type Campaign type. |
| ||||||
Campaign User Id Campaign user id. |
| ||||||
Campaign Segment Id Campaign segment id. |
| ||||||
Campaign Bounce Id Campaign bounce id. |
| ||||||
Campaign Real CID Campaign real CID. |
| ||||||
Campaign Send Id Campaign send id. |
| ||||||
Campaign Thread Id Campaign thread id. |
| ||||||
Campaign Series Id Automation ID that this campaign is associated with. |
| ||||||
Campaign Form Id Template used to create the campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Base Template Id Campaign basetemplate id. |
| ||||||
Campaign Base Message Id Internal message ID used for the campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Address Id Address ID used for the campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Source How the campaign was created. Possible value: 'web', 'api', 'copy', 'recurr', 'system' |
| ||||||
Campaign Name Internal name of the campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Created Date Date the campaign was initially created. Example: 2015-11-01 15:34:28 |
| ||||||
Campaign Modification Date Date the campaign was last modified. Example: 2015-11-01 15:38:28 |
| ||||||
Campaign Send Date Date the campaign started sending. Example: 2015-11-01 15:45:28 |
| ||||||
Campaign Send Amt Total amount of contacts actually sent this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Total Amt Total amount of contacts determined to receive this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Opens Total amount of opens for this campaign (including multiple opens by the same contact). |
| ||||||
Campaign Unique Opens Total amount of distinct (unique) contacts that opened this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Link Clicks Total amount of link clicks for this campaign (including multiple link clicks by the same contact). |
| ||||||
Campaign Unique Link Clicks Total amount of distinct (unique) links clicked for this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Subscriber Clicks Total amount of distinct (unique) contacts that clicked a link for this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Forwards Total amount of forwards (via the %FORWARD2FRIEND% personalization link only) for this campaign (including multiple forwards initiated by the same contact). |
| ||||||
Campaign Unique Forwards Total amount of distinct (unique) contacts that forwarded this campaign (via the %FORWARD2FRIEND% personalization link only). |
| ||||||
Campaign Hard Bounces Total number of hard bounces for this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Soft Bounces Total number of soft bounces for this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Unsubscribes Total number of unsubscribes for this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Unsubscribe Reasons Total number of unsubscribe reasons provided for unsubscriptions for this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Updates Total number of contacts that updated their profile via this campaign (using the %UPDATELINK% personalization tag). |
| ||||||
Campaign Social Shares Total number of social shares conducted for this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Replies Total number of replies for this campaign (including multiple replies by the same contact). |
| ||||||
Campaign Unique Replies Total number of distinct (unique) contacts that replied to this campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Status Status of this campaign. Possible values: Draft, Scheduled, Sending, Paused, Stopped, Completed, Disabled, Pending Approval |
| ||||||
Campaign Public Campaign public. |
| ||||||
Campaign Mail Transfer Campaign mail transfer. |
| ||||||
Campaign Mail Send Campaign mail send. |
| ||||||
Campaign Mail Cleanup Campaign mail cleaner. |
| ||||||
Campaign Mailer Log File Campaign mailer log file. |
| ||||||
Campaign Track Links Type of link tracking enabled for the campaign. Possible values: 'all', 'mime', 'html', 'text', 'none' |
| ||||||
Campaign Track Links Analytics Whether or not Google Analytics link tracking is enabled. Possible values: Yes, No |
| ||||||
Campaign Track Reads Whether or not read/open tracking is enabled for this campaign. Possible values: Yes, No |
| ||||||
Campaign Track Reads Analytics Whether or not Google Analytics link tracking is enabled. Possible values: Yes, No |
| ||||||
Campaign Analytics Campaign Name The Google Analytics campaign name (used for organizing within Google Analytics). |
| ||||||
Campaign Tweet Whether or not this campaign auto-posted to Twitter. Possible values: Yes, No |
| ||||||
Campaign Facebook Whether or not this campaign auto-posted to Facebook. Possible values: Yes, No. |
| ||||||
Campaign Survey The unique ID from the SurveyMonkey personalization tag, which is the URL ID for the survey. |
| ||||||
Campaign Embed Images Campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign HTML Unsub Campaign HTML unsub. |
| ||||||
Campaign Text Unsub Campaign text unsub. |
| ||||||
Campaign HTML Unsub Data Campaign HTML unsub data. |
| ||||||
Campaign Text Unsub Data Campaign text unsub data. |
| ||||||
Campaign Recurring If this is a recurring campaign, how often it repeats. Possible values: day1, day2, week1, week2, month1, month2, quarter1, quarter2, year1, year2. Values ending with 1 mean "every", and ending with 2 mean "every other. |
| ||||||
Campaign Will Recur Campaign will recur. |
| ||||||
Campaign Split Type If this is a split-type campaign, the type of split mailing. Example: 'even' (send each message to even number of contacts). Possible values: 'even', 'read', 'click'. If 'read' or 'click' is used, 'split_offset' and 'split_offset_type' need to be present. In that case it will use a "winner" scenario. |
| ||||||
Campaign Split Content Campaign split content. |
| ||||||
Campaign Split Offset If this is a split-type campaign, the number of units to wait before determining the winner. Example: 2 |
| ||||||
Campaign Split Offset Type If this is a split-type campaign, the type of unit to wait before determining the winner. Possible values: 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month'. |
| ||||||
Campaign Split Winner Message Id The winning message ID. |
| ||||||
Campaign Split Winner Awaiting Whether or not a winner is still being determined. Possible values: Yes, No |
| ||||||
Campaign Responder Offset If this is an auto-responder type campaign, how many hours after subscription to send it. Example: 2 |
| ||||||
Campaign Responder Type Campaign responder type. |
| ||||||
Campaign Responder Existing Campaign responder existing. |
| ||||||
Campaign Reminder Field If this is an auto-reminder (subscriber date-based) type campaign, what contact field to look at. Possible values: 'cdate', 'sdate', 'udate', or an ID of a Date-type custom field. |
| ||||||
Campaign Reminder Format If this is an auto-reminder (subscriber date-based) type campaign, the format in which the date is represented in above contact field. Example: 'yyyy-mm-dd' |
| ||||||
Campaign Reminder Type If this is an auto-reminder (subscriber date-based) type campaign, match just a month and the day (yearly), or match year as well. Possible values: 'month_day', 'year_month_day'. |
| ||||||
Campaign Reminder Offset If this is an auto-reminder (subscriber date-based) type campaign, how many days/weeks/months/years from that date should it trigger. Example: 5 |
| ||||||
Campaign Reminder Offset Type If this is an auto-reminder (subscriber date-based) type campaign. Possible values: 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year'. |
| ||||||
Campaign Reminder Offset Sign If this is an auto-reminder (subscriber date-based) type campaign. Possible values: + and - |
| ||||||
Campaign Reminder Last Cron Run Campaign reminder last cron run. |
| ||||||
Campaign Active RSS Interval If this is an activerss-type campaign, how often it checks for new feed items. Same options as for recurring mailings. Example: 'day1' |
| ||||||
Campaign Active RSS Url The RSS URL used to check for new feed items that get inserted into the campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Active RSS Items The number of RSS items to display in the campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign IP4 Campaign IP4. |
| ||||||
Campaign Last Step The last step of the campaign process saved. Example: 'summary' |
| ||||||
Campaign Manage Text Campaign manage text. |
| ||||||
Campaign Schedule Whether or not this campaign is scheduled to send at a later date/time. |
| ||||||
Campaign Schedule Date The date the campaign is scheduled to send. |
| ||||||
Campaign Wait Preview Campaign wait preview. |
| ||||||
Campaign Delete Stamp Campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign Reply Sys Whether or not reply tracking is enabled for this campaign. Possible values: Yes, No |
| ||||||
Campaign Id ID of the campaign. |
| ||||||
Campaign User Campaign user. |
| ||||||
Campaign Automation Campaign automation. |
| ||||||
Automation Name Automation name. |
| ||||||
Automation Created Date Automation created date. |
| ||||||
Automation Updated Date Automation update date. |
| ||||||
Automation User Id Automation user id. |
| ||||||
Automation Status Automation status. |
| ||||||
Automation Entered Automation entered. |
| ||||||
Automation Exited Automation exited. |
| ||||||
Automation Hidden Automation hidden. |
| ||||||
Automation Default Screenshot Automation defult screenshot. |
| ||||||
Automation Screenshot Automation screenshot. |
| ||||||
Automation Id Automation id. |
| ||||||
Message User Id Message user id. |
| ||||||
Message Ed Instance Id Message ed instance id. |
| ||||||
Message Ed Version Message ed version. |
| ||||||
Message Created Date Message created date. |
| ||||||
Message Updated Date Message update date. |
| ||||||
Message Name Message name. |
| ||||||
Message From Name Message from name. |
| ||||||
Message From Mail Message from mail. |
| ||||||
Message Reply2 Message reply2. |
| ||||||
Message Priority Message priority. |
| ||||||
Message Charset Message charset. |
| ||||||
Message Encoding Message encoding. |
| ||||||
Message Format Message format. |
| ||||||
Message Subject Message subject. |
| ||||||
Message Preheader Text Message preheader text. |
| ||||||
Message Text Message text. |
| ||||||
Message HTML Message HTML. |
| ||||||
Message HTML Fetch Message HTML fetch. |
| ||||||
Message Text Fetch Message text fetch. |
| ||||||
Message Hidden Message hidden. |
| ||||||
Message Preview MIME Message preview MIME. |
| ||||||
Message Preview Data Message preview data. |
| ||||||
Message Id Message id. |
| ||||||
Message User Message User. |
| ||||||
List String Id URL-friendly name of list. Example: general-list |
| ||||||
List User Id User ID who created this list. Example: 1 |
| ||||||
List Name Internal name of list. Example: General List. |
| ||||||
List Created Date Date/time the list was created. Example: 2011-03-02 14:46:40 |
| ||||||
List P Use Tracking List. |
| ||||||
List Use Analytics Read List use anaytics reads. |
| ||||||
List Use Analytics Link List use analytics link. |
| ||||||
List Use Twitter Whether or not to use Twitter campaign auto-sharing. Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List Use Facebook Whether or not to use Facebook campaign auto-sharing. Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List Embed Image Whether or not to embed images for campaigns send to this list. Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List Use Captcha Whether or not to use captcha image verification when subscribing to this list. Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List Send Last Broadcast Whether or not to send last broadcast message to new contacts of this list. Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List Private Whether or not this list is private (not visible on public side). Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List Analytics Domain List anaytics domain. |
| ||||||
List Analytics Source List analytics source. |
| ||||||
List Analytics UA List analytics ua. |
| ||||||
List Twitter Token The Twitter token used to send updates to your Twitter account. |
| ||||||
List Twitter Token Secret The Twitter token secret used to send updates to your Twitter account. |
| ||||||
List Facebook Session The Facebook session used to send updates to your Facebook account. |
| ||||||
List Carbon Copy Additional email addresses that campaigns for this list are sent to. |
| ||||||
List Subscription Notify Whenever a contact subscribes to this list, an email gets sent to this address. |
| ||||||
List Unsubscription Notify Whenever a contact UNsubscribes to this list, an email gets sent to this address. |
| ||||||
List Require Name Whether or not to require a name when subscribing to this list. Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List Get Unsubscribe Reason Whether or not to ask for a reason when contacts UNsubscribe. Examples: yes, no |
| ||||||
List To Name Default contact name (used when contact has not entered a name). Example: Recipient |
| ||||||
List Sender Name Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender Address 1 Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender Address 2 Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender City Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender State Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender Zip Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender Country Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender Phone Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender URL Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Sender Reminder Sender's Contact Information. |
| ||||||
List Full Address List full address. |
| ||||||
List Optin Message Id List optinmessageid. |
| ||||||
List Delete Stamp List deletestamp. |
| ||||||
List Update List update. |
| ||||||
List Id List id. |
| ||||||
List User List user. |
| ||||||
Deal ID Deal ID |
| ||||||
Deal Title Deal Title |
| ||||||
Deal Description Deal Description |
| ||||||
Deal Status ID Deal Status ID |
| ||||||
Deal Created Date Deal Created Date |
| ||||||
Deal Updated Date Deal Updated Date |
| ||||||
Deal Win Probability Deal Win Probability |
| ||||||
Deal Currency Deal Currency |
| ||||||
Deal Value Deal Value |
| ||||||
Deal Contact ID Deal Contact ID |
| ||||||
Deal Owner ID Deal Owner ID |
| ||||||
Deal Owner First Name Deal Owner First Name |
| ||||||
Deal Owner Last Name Deal Owner Last Name |
| ||||||
Deal Owner Email Deal Owner Email |
| ||||||
Deal Pipeline ID Deal Pipeline ID |
| ||||||
Deal Pipeline Title Deal Pipeline Title |
| ||||||
Deal Percent Deal Percent |
| ||||||
Deal Stage Id Deal Stage Id |
| ||||||
Deal Stage Name Deal Stage Name |
| ||||||
Year Year such as 2017. |
| ||||||
Year Quarter Year and quarter. |
| ||||||
Year month Year and month. |
| ||||||
Year week Year and week. |
| ||||||
Date Year, month, and day. |
| ||||||
Year month day hour Year, month, day, and hour. |
| ||||||
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year |
| ||||||
Month of the year Month of the year |
| ||||||
Week of the year Week of the year |
| ||||||
Month and day Month and day |
| ||||||
Day of the week Week of the year |
| ||||||
Day of the month Day of the year |
| ||||||
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
| ||||||
Platform Name Return the platform name |
| ||||||
Campaign Open Rate Campaign Open Rate |
| ||||||
Campaign Clicks Rate Campaign Clicks Rate |
| ||||||
Campaign open rate Campaign Open Unique rate |
| ||||||
Campaign Unique Clicks Rate Campaign Unique Clicks Rate |