Advertiser Country Code | Field ID | advertiser/country_code | Type | COUNTRY_CODE | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Country | Field ID | advertiser/country_name | Type | COUNTRY | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Name | Field ID | advertiser/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser | Field ID | advertiser/created_date | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser EID | Field ID | advertiser/eid | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Status | Field ID | advertiser/status | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Is Active | Field ID | advertiser/is_active | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Busniess Unit | Field ID | advertiser/business_unit | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Click Through Conversion Window | Field ID | advertiser/click_through_conversion_window | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser View Through Conversion Window | Field ID | advertiser/view_through_conversion_window | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Revshare Click Percent | Field ID | advertiser/revshare_click_percent | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Revshare View Percent | Field ID | advertiser/revshare_view_percent | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Updated Date | Field ID | advertiser/updated_date | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Currency | Field ID | advertiser/currency | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Logo URL | Field ID | advertiser/logo_url | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser URL | Field ID | advertiser/url | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertiser Organization | Field ID | advertiser/organization | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Year Year such as 2017. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR | Type | YEAR | Data Type | dimension |
Year Quarter Year and quarter. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_QUARTER | Type | YEAR_QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Year month Year and month. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH | Type | YEAR_MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Year week Year and week. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_WEEK | Type | YEAR_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Date Year, month, and day. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Year month day hour Year, month, day, and hour. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Data Type | dimension |
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_QUARTER | Type | QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Month of the year Month of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH | Type | MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Week of the year Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_WEEK | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Week of the year (start Sunday) Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_WEEK_START_SUNDAY | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Month and day Month and day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH_DAY | Type | MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the week Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK | Type | DAY_OF_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the month Day of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY | Type | DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Hour of the day Hour of the day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_HOUR | Type | HOUR | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Name | Field ID | campaign/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign EID | Field ID | campaign/eid | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Type | Field ID | campaign/type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Status | Field ID | campaign/status | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Currency | Field ID | campaign/currency | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Budget | Field ID | campaign/budget | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Max CPM | Field ID | campaign/maxCpm | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Created At | Field ID | campaign/createdDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Updated At | Field ID | campaign/updatedDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Channel | Field ID | campaign/channel | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Start Date | Field ID | campaign/startDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign End Date | Field ID | campaign/endDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign KPI Global | Field ID | campaign/kpiGoal | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign KPI Metric | Field ID | campaign/kpiMetric | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group Name | Field ID | ad_group/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group EID | Field ID | ad_group/eid | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group Status | Field ID | ad_group/status | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group Created Date | Field ID | ad_group/createdDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group Updated Date | Field ID | ad_group/updatedDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group Is Active | Field ID | ad_group/isActive | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group Ad Optimization | Field ID | ad_group/adOptimization | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Group Flight Timezone | Field ID | ad_group/flightTimezone | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad EID | Field ID | ad/eid | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Ad Format ID | Field ID | ad/adFormatID | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Ad Format | Field ID | ad/adFormat | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Ad Format Name | Field ID | ad/adFormatName | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Created Date | Field ID | ad/createdDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Updated Date | Field ID | ad/updatedDate | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Has Future Campaigns | Field ID | ad/hasFutureCampaigns | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Destination URL | Field ID | ad/destinationURL | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Headline | Field ID | ad/headline | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Body | Field ID | ad/body | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Message | Field ID | ad/message | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Is Active | Field ID | ad/isActive | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Name | Field ID | ad/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Src | Field ID | ad/src | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Status | Field ID | ad/status | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Type | Field ID | ad/type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Height | Field ID | ad/height | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Width | Field ID | ad/width | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Has Edits | Field ID | ad/hasEdits | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Has Pending Edits | Field ID | ad/hasPendingEdits | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Original Ad | Field ID | ad/originalAd | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Is Outlined | Field ID | ad/isOutlined | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Outline Color | Field ID | ad/outlineColor | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Valid Clicktag | Field ID | ad/validClicktag | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Segment EID | Field ID | segment/eid | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Match Method | Field ID | segment/matchMethod | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Display Name | Field ID | segment/displayName | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Name | Field ID | segment/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Mobile | Field ID | segment/mobile | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Pattern | Field ID | segment/pattern | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Conversion Value | Field ID | segment/conversionValue | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Threshold | Field ID | segment/threshold | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Duration | Field ID | segment/duration | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Group | Field ID | segment/group | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Segment Type | Field ID | segment/type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Click Throughs | Field ID | clickThroughs | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Click Revenue | Field ID | clickRevenue | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
View Revenue | Field ID | viewRevenue | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
View Throughs | Field ID | viewThroughs | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Impressions | Field ID | impressions | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Clicks | Field ID | clicks | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Cost | Field ID | cost | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Visitors | Field ID | visitors | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Revenue | Field ID | revenue | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Total Visitors | Field ID | totalVisitors | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
New Visitors | Field ID | newVisitors | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Engaged Visitors | Field ID | engagedVisitors | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Bounced Visitors | Field ID | bouncedVisitors | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Non Bounced Visitors | Field ID | nonBouncedVisitors | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
New Visitor Cost | Field ID | newVisitorCost | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Engaged Visitor Cost | Field ID | engagedVisitorCost | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Bounce Rate | Field ID | bounceRate | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Sends | Field ID | sends | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Opens | Field ID | opens | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
CTR | Field ID | ctr | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Open Rate | Field ID | openRate | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
CPC | Field ID | cpc | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
CPM | Field ID | cpm | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Conversions | Field ID | conversions | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
CPA | Field ID | cpa | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
CTC Rate | Field ID | ctcRate | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Click CPA | Field ID | clickCPA | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. | Field ID | _catchr_date_extract | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND | Data Type | dimension |
Platform Name Return the platform name | Field ID | _catchr_platform_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |