App ID | Field ID | app_id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Network Account ID | Field ID | network_account_id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Keyword ID | Field ID | keyword_id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Attributed Touch Type | Field ID | attributed_touch_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Attributed Touch Time | Field ID | attributed_touch_time | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND | Data Type | dimension |
Install Time | Field ID | install_time | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Event Time | Field ID | event_time | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Event Name | Field ID | event_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Event Value | Field ID | event_value | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Event Revenue | Field ID | event_revenue | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Event Revenue Currency | Field ID | event_revenue_currency | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Event Revenue USD | Field ID | event_revenue_usd | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Event Source | Field ID | event_source | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Is Receipt Validated | Field ID | is_receipt_validated | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Partner | Field ID | partner | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Media Source | Field ID | media_source | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Channel | Field ID | channel | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Keywords | Field ID | keywords | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign | Field ID | campaign | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign ID | Field ID | campaign_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Adset | Field ID | adset | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Adset ID | Field ID | adset_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad | Field ID | ad | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Id | Field ID | ad_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Type | Field ID | ad_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Site ID | Field ID | site_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Sub Site ID | Field ID | sub_site_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Sub Param 1 | Field ID | sub_param_1 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Sub Param 2 | Field ID | sub_param_2 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Sub Param 3 | Field ID | sub_param_3 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Sub Param 4 | Field ID | sub_param_4 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Sub Param 5 | Field ID | sub_param_5 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Cost Model | Field ID | cost_model | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Cost Value | Field ID | cost_value | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Cost Currency | Field ID | cost_currency | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 1 Partner | Field ID | contributor1_partner | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 1 Media Source | Field ID | contributor1_media_source | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 1 Campaign | Field ID | contributor1_campaign | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 1 Touch Type | Field ID | contributor1_touch_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 1 Touch Time | Field ID | contributor1_touch_time | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 2 Partner | Field ID | contributor2_partner | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 2 Media Source | Field ID | contributor2_media_source | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 2 Campaign | Field ID | contributor2_campaign | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 2 Touch Type | Field ID | contributor2_touch_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 2 Touch Time | Field ID | contributor2_touch_time | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 3 Partner | Field ID | contributor3_partner | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 3 Media Source | Field ID | contributor3_media_source | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 3 Campaign | Field ID | contributor3_campaign | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 3 Touch Type | Field ID | contributor3_touch_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor 3 Touch Time | Field ID | contributor3_touch_time | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Region | Field ID | region | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Country Code | Field ID | country_code | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
State | Field ID | state | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
City | Field ID | city | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Postal Code | Field ID | postal_code | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
DMA | Field ID | dma | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
IP | Field ID | ip | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
WIFI | Field ID | wifi | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Operator | Field ID | operator | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Carrier | Field ID | carrier | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Language | Field ID | language | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
AppsFlyer ID | Field ID | appsflyer_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Advertising ID | Field ID | advertising_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
IDFA | Field ID | idfa | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Android ID | Field ID | android_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Customer User ID | Field ID | customer_user_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
IMEI | Field ID | imei | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
IDFV | Field ID | idfv | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Platform | Field ID | platform | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Device Type | Field ID | device_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
OS Version | Field ID | os_version | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
App Version | Field ID | app_version | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
SDK Version | Field ID | sdk_version | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
App Name | Field ID | app_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Bundle ID | Field ID | bundle_id | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Is Retargeting | Field ID | is_retargeting | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Retargeting Conversion Type | Field ID | retargeting_conversion_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Attribution Lookback | Field ID | attribution_lookback | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Reengagement Window | Field ID | reegagement_window | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Is Primary Attribution | Field ID | is_primary_attribution | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
User Agent | Field ID | user_agent | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
HTTP Referrer | Field ID | http_referrer | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Original URL | Field ID | original_url | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Impressions | Field ID | impressions | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Blocked Reason Rule | Field ID | blocked_reason_rule | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Store Reinstall | Field ID | store_reinstall | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Contributor3 Match Type | Field ID | contributor3_match_type | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Custom Dimension | Field ID | custom_dimension | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Conversion Type | Field ID | conversion_type | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
GP Click Time | Field ID | gp_click_time | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Match Type | Field ID | match_type | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Mediation Network | Field ID | mediation_network | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
OAID | Field ID | oaid | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Deeplink URL | Field ID | deeplink_url | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Blocked Reason | Field ID | blocked_reason | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Blocked Sub Reason | Field ID | blocked_sub_reason | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
GP Broadcast Referrer | Field ID | gp_broadcast_referrer | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
GP Install Begin | Field ID | gp_install_begin | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Type | Field ID | campaign_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Custom Data | Field ID | custom_data | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Rejected Reason | Field ID | rejected_reason | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Device Download Time | Field ID | device_download_time | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Keyword Match Type | Field ID | keyword_match_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
First Contributor Match Type | Field ID | contributor1_match_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Second Contributor Match Type | Field ID | contributor2_match_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Device Model | Field ID | device_model | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Monetization Network | Field ID | monetization_network | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Segment | Field ID | segment | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Is Lat | Field ID | is_lat | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
GP Referrer | Field ID | gp_referrer | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Blocked Reason Value | Field ID | blocked_reason_value | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Store product Page | Field ID | store_product_page | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Device Category | Field ID | device_category | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
App Type | Field ID | app_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Rejected Reason Value | Field ID | rejected_reason_value | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Ad Unit | Field ID | ad_unit | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Placement | Field ID | placement | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Install App Store | Field ID | install_app_store | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Amazon AID | Field ID | amazon_aid | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
ATT | Field ID | att | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Engagement Type | Field ID | engagement_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Fist Contributor Engagement Type | Field ID | contributor1_engagement_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Second Contributor Engagement Type | Field ID | contributor2_engagement_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Third Contributor Engagement Type | Field ID | contributor3_engagement_type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Clicks | Field ID | clicks | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Installs | Field ID | installs | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
CR | Field ID | cr | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Sessions | Field ID | sessions | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Loyal Users | Field ID | loyal_users | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Loyal Users/Installs | Field ID | loyal_users_install | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Loyal Users Rate | Field ID | loyal_users_rate | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Cost | Field ID | cost | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Revenue | Field ID | revenue | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
ROI | Field ID | roi | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
ARPU/LTV | Field ID | arpu_ltv | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Average eCPI | Field ID | average_ecpi | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
GDPR Applies | Field ID | gdpr_applies | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Ad User Data Enabled | Field ID | ad_user_data_enabled | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Ad Personalization Enabled | Field ID | ad_personalization_enabled | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Date | Field ID | date | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
CTR | Field ID | ctr | Type | PERCENT | Data Type | metric |
Conversion Rate | Field ID | conversion_rate | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Total Revenue | Field ID | total_revenue | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Total Cost | Field ID | total_cost | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
ARPU | Field ID | arpu | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Uniinstalls | Field ID | uninstalls | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Uninstalls Rate | Field ID | uninstalls_rate | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Activity Average DAU | Field ID | activity_average_dau | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Activity Average MAU | Field ID | activity_average_mau | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Activity Average DAU/MAU Rate | Field ID | activity_average_dau_mau_rate | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Activity Sessions | Field ID | activity_sessions | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Activity Revenue | Field ID | activity_revenue | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Agency/PMD | Field ID | agency_pdm | Type | TEXT | Data Type | metric |
Year Year such as 2017. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR | Type | YEAR | Data Type | dimension |
Year Quarter Year and quarter. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_QUARTER | Type | YEAR_QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Year month Year and month. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH | Type | YEAR_MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Year week Year and week. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_WEEK | Type | YEAR_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_QUARTER | Type | QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Month of the year Month of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH | Type | MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Week of the year Week of the year | Field ID | week | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Month and day Month and day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH_DAY | Type | MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the week Day of the week | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK | Type | DAY_OF_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the year Day of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY | Type | DAY | Data Type | dimension |
AF Add to Wishlist (Unique Users) The total number of unique users who added an item to their wishlist. | Field ID | af_add_to_wishlist_unique_users | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Add to Wishlist (Event Counter) The event counter for the number of times items were added to the wishlist. | Field ID | af_add_to_wishlist_event_counter | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Add to Wishlist (Sales) The total sales amount for items added to the wishlist. | Field ID | af_add_to_wishlist_sales | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Complete Registration (Unique Users) The total number of unique users who completed registration. | Field ID | af_complete_registration_unique_users | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Complete Registration (Event Counter) The event counter for the number of times registration was completed. | Field ID | af_complete_registration_event_counter | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Complete Registration (Sales) The total sales amount for completed registrations. | Field ID | af_complete_registration_sales | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Login (Unique Users) The total number of unique users who logged in. | Field ID | af_login_unique_users | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Login (Event Counter) The event counter for the number of times users logged in. | Field ID | af_login_event_counter | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Login (Sales) The total sales amount for logins. | Field ID | af_login_sales | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Purchase (Unique Users) The total number of unique users who made a purchase. | Field ID | af_purchase_unique_users | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Purchase (Event Counter) The event counter for the number of times a purchase was made. | Field ID | af_purchase_event_counter | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
AF Purchase (Sales) The total sales amount for purchases made. | Field ID | af_purchase_sales | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | metric |
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. | Field ID | _catchr_date_extract | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND | Data Type | dimension |
Platform Name Return the platform name | Field ID | _catchr_platform_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |