Date |
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Year Month |
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Year |
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Member Company Size Group results by member company size. |
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Member Seniority Group results by member seniority. |
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Member Industry Group results by member industry. |
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Device Type Group results by impressions device type. |
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Member Job Title Group results by member job title. |
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Member Job Function Group results by member job function. |
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Member Country Group results by member country. |
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Member Region Group results by member region. |
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Member Company Group results by member company. |
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Action Clicks The count of clicks on the action button of the Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only. |
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Ad Unit Clicks The count of clicks on the ad unit displayed alongside the Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only. |
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Approximate Unique Impressions The approximate reach of the campaign. The number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is not returned by default. It must be explicitly requested in the projection parameter to be returned. See an example of this under Requesting Specific Metrics in the Analytics Finder. |
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Approximate Member Reach Non-demographic pivots only (i.e. not MEMBER_). The estimated number of unique member accounts with at least one impression. This metric is an updated and more accurate version of legacy metric approximateUniqueImpressions. This metric is only available when the number of days in the date range is less than or equal to 92 days. This metric is fully launched in Jan 2024 |
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Card Clicks Non-demographic pivots only. The number of clicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first card click of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardClick and click, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional cardClick. |
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Card Impressions Non-demographic pivots only. The number of impressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate cardImpression and impression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional cardImpressions. |
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Clicks The count of chargeable clicks. Despite not charging for clicks for CPM campaigns, this field still represents those clicks for which we would otherwise charge advertisers (for example, clicks to view the landing page or company page). |
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Comment Likes The count of likes of a comment. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Comments The count of comments. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Company Page Clicks The count of clicks to view the company page. |
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Conversion Value In Local Currency Non-demographic pivots only. Value of the conversions in the account's local currency based on rules defined by the advertiser. Conversion value is set by the advertiser at a per conversion level, and aggregated across the query time range. |
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Cost In Local Currency Cost in the account's local currency based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by member company size per month if the pivot is MEMBER_COMPANY_SIZE and timeGranularity is MONTHLY. Cost is not adjusted for overdelivery when a member demographic pivot is specified in the request. |
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Cost In Usd Cost in USD based on the pivot and timeGranularity. For example, this would be spend by campaign on a given day if the pivot is CAMPAIGN and timeGranularity is DAILY. Cost is not adjusted for overdelivery when a member demographic pivot is specified in the request. |
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Date Range Date range covered by the report data point. Date is specified in UTC. Start and end date are inclusive. Start date is required. End date is optional and defaults to today. |
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External Website Conversions The count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website. |
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External Website Post Click Conversions The count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website. |
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External Website Post View Conversions The count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website. |
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Follows The count of follows. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Full Screen Plays The count of taps on the video, going into video view mode. |
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Impressions This is the count of "impressions" for Direct Ads and Sponsored Updates and "sends" for InMails. |
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Landing Page Clicks The count of clicks which take the user to the creative landing page. |
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Lead Generation Mail Contact Info Shares The number of times users shared contact info through the One Click Lead Gen for Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only. |
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Lead Generation Mail Interested Clicks The count of InMail recipients who clicked to demonstrate interest. Sponsored InMail only. |
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Likes The count of likes. Sponsored Updates only. |
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One Click Lead Form Opens The count of times users opened the lead form for a One Click Lead Gen campaign. |
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One Click Leads The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen. |
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Opens The count of opens of Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only. |
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Other Engagements The count of user interactions with the ad unit that do not fit into any other more specific category. |
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Pivot Values The value of the pivots for a specific record returned. For example, supplying pivots of CREATIVE and CONVERSION results in a list of records, one for each creative/conversion combination. The pivotValues contain serialized URNs for the specific creative and conversion for a record. |
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Reactions The count of positive reactions on Sponsored Updates which can capture, like, interest, praise, and other responses. |
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Sends The count of sends of Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only. |
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Shares The count of shares. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Text Url Clicks The count of clicks on any links (anchor tags) that were included in the body of the Sponsored InMail. Sponsored InMail only. |
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Total Engagements The count of all user interactions with the ad unit. |
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Video Completions The count of video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE. |
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Video First Quartile Completions The count of video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE. |
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Video Midpoint Completions The count of video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE. |
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Video Starts The count of video ads that were started by users. |
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Video Third Quartile Completions The count of video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point if the serving location is ON_SITE. |
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Video Views A video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to fullscreen mode) does not count as a view. |
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Viral Card Clicks Non-demographic pivots only. The number of viralClicks for each card of a carousel ad. The first viralCardClick of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardClick and viralClick, whereas scrolling to other cards and clicking will count as additional viralCardClick. |
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Viral Card Impressions Non-demographic pivots only. The number of viralImpressions shown for each card of a carousel ad. The first card of the carousel ad results in an immediate viralCardImpression and viralImpression, whereas scrolling to other cards will count as additional viralCardImpressions. |
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Viral Clicks The count of clicks on viral impressions. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Comment Likes The count of likes on comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Comments The count of comments from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Company Page Clicks The count of clicks to view the company page from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral External Website Conversions The count of conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral event. See viral impressions definition. |
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Viral External Website Post Click Conversions The count of post-click conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral click. See viral impressions definition. |
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Viral External Website Post View Conversions The count of post-view conversions indicated by pixel loads on an external advertiser website driven by a viral impression. See viral impressions definition. |
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Viral Follows The count of follows from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Full Screen Plays The count of taps on the video, going into video view mode. See viralImpressions definition. |
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Viral Impressions The count of viral impressions for this activity. Viral impressions are those resulting from users sharing a sponsored update to their own network of connections. Viral impressions are not counted as regular impressions. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Landing Page Clicks The count of clicks on viral impressions to take the user to the creative landing page. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Likes The count of likes from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral One Click Lead Form Opens The count of times users opened the lead form for viral impressions from a Lead Gen campaign. See viral impressions definition. |
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Viral One Click Leads The count of leads generated through One Click Lead Gen from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. |
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Viral Other Engagements The count of user interactions with viral impressions that do not fit into any other more specific category. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Reactions The count of positive reactions on viral Sponsored Updates which can capture like, interest, praise, and other responses. See viral impressions definition for details on viral engagements. |
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Viral Shares The count of shares from viral impressions for this activity. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Total Engagements The count of all user interactions with a viral ad unit. See viral impressions definition. Sponsored Updates only. |
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Viral Video Completions The count of viral video ads that played 97-100% of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition. |
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Viral Video First Quartile Completions The count of viral video ads that played through the first quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition. |
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Viral Video Midpoint Completions The count of viral video ads that played through the midpoint of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition. |
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Viral Video Starts The count of viral video ads that were started by users. See viralImpressions definition. Since viral videos are automatically played for ON_SITE, this will be the same as viralImpressions if the servingLocation is ON_SITE. |
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Viral Video Third Quartile Completions The count of viral video ads that played through the third quartile of the video. This includes watches that skipped to this point. See viralImpressions definition |
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Viral Video Views A viral video ad playing for at least 2 continuous seconds 50% in-view, or a click on the CTA, whichever comes first. An interaction with the video (like going to full screen mode) does not count as a view. See viralImpressions definition. |
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Account Currency The 3 character standard currency code such as 'USD' for United States Dollar. Refer to the list of supported currencies for the full list. Note: Advertisers selecting Brazilian Real (BRL) as a currency will see their account budget, advertising bids, and spend in BRL, but their account will be billed in USD. We recommend communicating this to advertisers in your application if they opt for BRL. Learn more |
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Account Id Unique internal ID representing the account. |
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Account Name A label for the account. |
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Account Notified On Campaign Optimization Indicates if the campaign contact is notified about campaign optimization opportunities. |
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Account Notified On Creative Approval Indicates if the creative contact is notified when a creative has been reviewed and approved. |
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Account Notified On Creative Rejection Indicates if the creative contact is notified when a creative has been rejected due to content. |
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Account Notified On End Of Campaign Indicates if the campaign contact is notified when an associated campaign has been completed. |
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Account Notified On New Features Enabled Indicates if the account owner is notified about new Campaign Manager features. |
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Account Reference The entity on whose behalf the account advertises. Must either be in the format urn:li:person:{id} or urn:li:organization:{id}. |
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Account Serving Statuses An array of enums with information about the account's system serving statuses. If an account is eligible for serving, then this array will have a single element: RUNNABLE Otherwise, this array will contain one or more reasons why the account is not servable: STOPPED BILLING_HOLD ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD ACCOUNT_END_DATE_HOLD RESTRICTED_HOLD INTERNAL_HOLD |
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Account Status ACTIVE - Account is active; this is the default stateCANCELED - Account has been permanently canceledDRAFT - Account is in draft status, meaning it's not yet fully set up and it is not serving |
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Account Type BUSINESS – This is the only value allowed when creating accounts through the API. ENTERPRISE – This value cannot be used to create accounts through the API and is reserved for accounts created by LinkedIn's internal ad operations systems. |
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Account Test Flag showing whether this account is marked as a test account. An account can be marked as test only during creation. This is an immutable field. |
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Campaign Group Account URN identifying the advertising account associated with the campaign. This value is immutable once set. For example, urn:li:SponsoredAccount:{id}. |
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Campaign Group Backfilled Flag that denotes whether the campaign group was created organically or to backfill existing campaigns. This is a read-only field set by the system. |
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Campaign Group Id Numerical identifier for the campaign group. This is a read-only field set by the system. |
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Campaign Group Name The name of the campaign group used to make it easier to reference a campaign group and recall its purpose. The value of this field cannot exceed 100 characters. |
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Campaign Group Run Schedule Start Represents the inclusive (greater than or equal to) date when to start running the associated campaigns under this campaign group. This field is required. |
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Campaign Group Run Schedule End Represents the exclusive (strictly less than) date when to stop running the associated campaigns under this campaign group. If this field is unset, it indicates an open range with no end date. This field is required if totalBudget is set. |
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Campaign Group Serving Statuses Array of enums that determine whether or not campaigns within the campaign group may be served. Unlike status, which is user-managed, the values are controlled by the service. This is a read-only field. Possible values are: RUNNABLE Campaign group is currently active; billing information, budgetary constraints, or start and end dates are valid.STOPPED Campaign group is currently not eligible for serving for reasons other than billing information, budgetary constraints, or termination dates. For instance, a campaign group will be STOPPED if it has been canceled by the user, or it is marked as spam.BILLING_HOLD Parent account is on billing hold.ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD Parent account total budget has been reached.ACCOUNT_END_DATE_HOLD Parent account end date has been reached.CAMPAIGN_GROUP_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD Campaign group total budget has been reached.CAMPAIGN_GROUP_START_DATE_HOLD Campaign group start date is in the future.CAMPAIGN_GROUP_END_DATE_HOLD Campaign group end date has been reached. |
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Campaign Group Status Status of campaign group. Possible values are: ACTIVE - Denotes that the campaign group is capable of serving ads, subject to run date and budget limitations (as well as any other limitations at the account or campaign level).ARCHIVED - Denotes that the campaign group is presently inactive, and should mostly be hidden in the UI until un-archived. CANCELED - Denotes that the campaign group has been permanently canceled and cannot be reactivated. Not a settable status. DRAFT - Denotes that the campaign group is in a preliminary state and should temporarily not be served. PAUSED - Denotes that the campaign group meets all requirements to be served, but temporarily should not be. |
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Campaign Group Total Budget Amount Maximum amount to spend across all associated campaigns and creatives for duration of the campaign group. |
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Campaign Group Total Budget Currency Code Maximum amount to spend over the life of the campaign. The currency must match the ISO currency code of the account. |
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Campaign Group Test Flag showing whether this campaign group is a test campaign group, i.e., belongs to a test account. This is a read-only and immutable field that is set implicitly during creation based on whether the account is a Test Account or not. |
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Campaign Group Allowed Campaign Types Array of enums that indicates allowed campaign types within the specific campaign group. Possible values are:TEXT_AD - Text-based ads that show up in the right column or top of the page on LinkedIn.SPONSORED_UPDATES - Native ads that promote a company's content updates in the LinkedIn feed.SPONSORED_INMAILS - Personalized messages with a call-to-action button delivered to a LinkedIn's member inbox.DYNAMIC - Ads that are dynamically personalized. This is a read-only field. |
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Campaign Account URN identifying the advertising account associated with the campaign. This value is immutable once set. For example, urn:li:sponsoredAccount:{id}. |
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Campaign Associated Entity An URN identifying the intended beneficiary of the advertising campaign such as a specific company or member. |
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Campaign Audience Expansion Enabled Enable Audience Expansion for the campaign provides query expansion for certain targeting criteria. |
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Campaign Campaign Group URN identifying the campaign group associated with the campaign. The campaign group URN must be specified for campaign creation starting October 30, 2020. |
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Campaign Cost Type CPM - Cost per thousand advertising impressions. If type=SPONSORED_INMAILS; cost per send(CPS) is measured as CPM x 1000. CPC - Cost per individual click on the associated link. CPV - Cost per view for video ads. |
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Campaign Creative Selection ROUND_ROBIN - Rotate through available creatives to serve them as evenly as possible. OPTIMIZED - Bias selection taking into account such as expected performance. Not available for Message and Conversation Ads (type=SPONSORED_INMAILS). |
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Campaign Daily Budget Amount Maximum amount to spend per day UTC. The amount of money as a real number string. |
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Campaign Daily Budget Currency Code ISO currency code. The currency must match that of the parent account. |
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Campaign Locale Country Locale of the campaign. An uppercase two-letter country code as defined by ISO-3166. The country and language combination must match one of the [supported locales]((../../../../shared/references/reference-tables/language-codes?context=linkedin/marketing/context). |
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Campaign Locale Language Locale of the campaign. A lowercase two-letter language code as defined by ISO-639. The country and language combination must match one of the [supported locales]((../../../../shared/references/reference-tables/language-codes?context=linkedin/marketing/context) |
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Campaign Name The name of the campaign; primarily used to make it easier to reference a campaign and to recall its purpose. |
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Campaign ID The id of the campaign. |
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Campaign Objective Type Objective type of campaign. Possible values are: BRAND_AWARENESS This objective aims to get the most reach and impression for their campaigns with the business goal of speading awareness. This objective allows for Standard Sponsored Content, Carousel Sponsored Content, Video Sponsored Content, Text Ads, Spotlight Dynamic Ads, and Follow Company Dynamic Ads type campaign formats. ENGAGEMENT This objective aims to get more engagement on sponsored content post with the business goal of brand consideration. The ad unit also includes a follow button for advertisers to get more page followers on LinkedIn. This objective allows for standard sponsored content, carousel sponsored content, and video sponsored content type campaign formats. JOB_APPLICANT This objective aims to get more job applicants on LinkedIn with the business goal of brand talent media. This objective allows for Job Dynamic Ads, Spotlight Dynamic Ads, and Standard Sponsored Content type campaign formats. LEAD_GENERATION This objective aims to generate leads for advertisers with the business goal of brand conversion. When users click on this ad, they will be lead to a lead generation form pre-filled with their LinkedIn profile date. This objective allows for Lead Generation Form Sponsored Content, Lead Generation Form Carousel Sponsored Content, Video Lead Generation Form Sponsored Content, and Lead Generation Form Sponsored InMail type campaign formats. VIDEO_VIEW This objective aims to get more people to watch their video ads optimizing for number of views with the business goal of brand consideration. This objective type allows for Video Sponsored Content and Video Carousel Sponsored Content type campaign formats. WEBSITE_CONVERSION This objective aims to get more conversions from advertiser’s website with the business goal of brand conversion. Advertisers need to install LinkedIn InsightTag so that LinkedIn can track conversion events and optimize towards them. This objective allows for Standard Sponsored Content, Image and Video Carousel Sponsored Content, Video Sponsored Content, Text Ads, Spotlight Dynamic Ads, and Sponsored InMail type campaign formats. WEBSITE_VISIT This objective aims to get more people to visit a website destination with the business goal of brand consideration. This objective allows for Standard Sponsored Content, Image and Video Carousel Sponsored Content, Video Sponsored Content, Text Ads, Spotlight Dynamic Ads, and Sponsored InMail type campaign formats. CREATIVE_ENGAGEMENT To be deprecated Legacy objective used by advertisers to drive more engagement on sponsored content posts. This objective requires advertisers to configure their campaigns to optimize towards clicks, impresisons, or conversions. The ad creative will include a follow button for advertisers to get more page followers on LinkedIn. Currently, this objective is fully supported by the platform; however, we recommend that advertisers use ENGAGEMENT for more precise optimization.WEBSITE_TRAFFIC To be deprecated Legacy objective used by advertisers to direct more people to visit a website destination. This objective requires advertisers to configure their campaigns to optimize towards clicks, impresisons, or conversions. The ad creative will not include a follow button. Currently, this objective is fully supported by the platform; however, we recommend that advertisers use WEBSITE VISIT, WEBSITE CONVERSION, BRAND AWARENESS for more precise optimization.New objectives provide greater benefits to advertisers (eg.enhanced optimization, etc;), and we plan to deprecate the legacy objectives eventually. We recommend integrations towards non-legacy objective types. Refer to the validation documentation here. |
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Campaign Run Schedule Start Scheduled date range to run associated creatives. The start date must be non-null. Represents the inclusive (greater than or equal to) value in which to start the range. |
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Campaign Run Schedule End Scheduled date range to run associated creatives. The start date must be non-null. Represents the exclusive (strictly less than) value in which to end the range. This field is optional. An unset field indicates an open range; for example, if start is 1455309628000 (Fri, 12 Feb 2016 20:40:28 GMT), and end is not set, it means everything at, or after 1455309628000. |
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Campaign Total Budget Amount Maximum amount to spend over the life of the campaign. The amount of money as a real number string. Deprecated for campaigns not using lifetime pacing. |
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Campaign total budget left Total amount of budget left for a campaign. |
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Campaign Total Budget Currency Code ISO currency code. The currency must match that of the account. Deprecated for campaigns not using lifetime pacing. |
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Campaign Type TEXT_AD - Text-based ads that show up in the right column or top of the page on LinkedIn. SPONSORED_UPDATES - Native ads that promote a company's content updates in the LinkedIn feed. SPONSORED_INMAILS - Personalized messages with a call-to-action button delivered to a LinkedIn's member inbox. DYNAMIC - Ads that are dynamically personalized. |
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Campaign Unit Cost Amount Amount to bid per click, impression, or other event depending on the pricing model. The amount of money as a real number string. The default is 0 with the currency code set to match that of the associated account. |
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Campaign Unit Cost Currency Code Amount to bid per click, impression, or other event depending on the pricing model. The default is 0 with the currency code set to match that of the associated account. ISO currency code. |
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Campaign Version Tag Each entity has a version tag associated with it. The version tag is initiated to 1 when the entity is created. Each single update to the entity increases its version tag by 1. |
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Campaign Status ACTIVE - Denotes that the campaign is fully servable. PAUSED - Denotes that the campaign meets all requirements to be served, but temporarily should not be. ARCHIVED - Denotes that the campaign is presently inactive, and should mostly be hidden in the UI until un-archived. COMPLETED - Denotes that the campaign has reached a specified budgetary or chronological limit. CANCELED - Denotes that the campaign has been permanently canceled, such as when an advertising account is permanently closed. DRAFT - Denotes that the campaign is still being edited and not eligible for serving. Some validation will be postponed until the campaign is activated. |
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Campaign Format The ad format on campaign level. CAROUSEL - Carousel ad format is a kind of multi-content ad that allows members to swipe left and right to view content in succession. FOLLOW_COMPANY - DYNAMIC campaign with FOLLOW_COMPANY_V2 creative. JOBS - DYNAMIC campaign with JOBS_V2 creative. SINGLE_VIDEO - Single video format is a single content ad where members can watch a video. SPONSORED_INMAIL - Standard advertiser created paid message sent to a member that supports links, leadgen forms, and other traditional methods of interacting with the creative. SPONSORED_MESSAGE - Conversation Ad format that provides chat-like experience between the member and the advertiser. SPOTLIGHT - DYNAMIC campaign with SPOTLIGHT_V2 creative. STANDARD_UPDATE - Standard user generated content with a single image or article showing in LinkedIn feed, SlideShare, even off LinkedIn network and etc TEXT_AD - Standard advertiser created text-oriented ad showing on the right rail of LinkedIn desktop homepage, profile page or on the banner of LinkedIn desktop homepage. UNSUPPORTED - Corresponds to all legacy creative types that are unsupported as of the time that campaign format was introduced. This includes both the explicit UNSUPPORTED creative type as well as the V1 dynamic creative types. This value should not be passed as an input. The campaign format is a required field when campaign.type= DYNAMIC. It restricts the types of creatives (CreativeType) that may be added to this campaign. For example, campaigns with the CAROUSEL format can only have creatives of SPONSORED_UPDATE_CAROUSEL type and campaigns with the SINGLE_VIDEO can only have creatives with SPONSORED_VIDEO type. Refer to the validation documentation here. |
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Campaign Pacing Strategy Identifies the pacing option used for the campaign. Optional and editable only on create. Possible values: LIFETIME - Lifetime pacing that optimizes campaign budget delivery throughout campaign's lifetime. |
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Campaign Test Flag showing whether this campaign is a test campaign, i.e., belongs to a test account. This is a read-only and immutable field that is set implicitly during creation based on whether the account is a Test Account or not. |
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Campaign Serving Statuses Array of enums that determine whether or not a campaign may be served; unlike 'status', which is user-managed, the values are controlled by the service. This is a read-only field. Possible values are: RUNNABLE Campaign is eligible for serving.STOPPED Campaign is currently not servable for reasons other than billing information, budgetary constraints, or termination dates. For instance, an campaign will be STOPPED if it has been PAUSED by the user.ACCOUNT_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD Parent account total budget has been reached.ACCOUNT_END_DATE_HOLD Parent account end date has been reached. CAMPAIGN_START_DATE_HOLD Campaign start date is in the future.CAMPAIGN_END_DATE_HOLD Campaign end date has been reached.CAMPAIGN_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD Campaign total budget has been reached.CAMPAIGN_AUDIENCE_COUNT_HOLD Campaign is on hold because it has an audience count lower than the threshold.CAMPAIGN_GROUP_START_DATE_HOLD Campaign group start date is in the future.CAMPAIGN_GROUP_END_DATE_HOLD Campaign Group end date is in the past.CAMPAIGN_GROUP_TOTAL_BUDGET_HOLD Campaign group total budget has been reached.CAMPAIGN_GROUP_STATUS_HOLD Campaign group status is on hold.ACCOUNT_SERVING_HOLD Parent account is on hold and not eligible for serving. |
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Creative ID Unique numerical identifier for the ad creative |
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Creative Direct Sponsored Content name Indicate whether the creative is a direct sponsored content or not. |
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Creative Status ACTIVE - Creative creation is complete and creative is available for review and serve. PAUSED - Creative creation is complete and creative is current, but should temporarily not be served. This status is not valid upon creation. DRAFT - Creative creation is incomplete and may still be edited. ARCHIVED - Creative creation is complete, but creative should not be served and should be separated from non-archived creatives in any UI.CANCELED - Creative is permanently canceled. Creative status is set independently from parent entity status, but parent entity status overrides creative status in effect. For example, parent entity status may be PAUSED while creative status is ACTIVE, in which case creative is in effect PAUSED, and not served. |
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Creative Serving Status ACTIVE - Creative creation is complete and creative is available for review and serve. PAUSED - Creative creation is complete and creative is current, but should temporarily not be served. This status is not valid upon creation. DRAFT - Creative creation is incomplete and may still be edited. ARCHIVED - Creative creation is complete, but creative should not be served and should be separated from non-archived creatives in any UI.CANCELED - Creative is permanently canceled. Creative status is set independently from parent entity status, but parent entity status overrides creative status in effect. For example, parent entity status may be PAUSED while creative status is ACTIVE, in which case creative is in effect PAUSED, and not served. |
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Creative Type TEXT_AD - Text with Sponsored Link to landing page on your site. SPONSORED_STATUS_UPDATE - Sponsored status update from a profile page. SPONSORED_INMAILS - Single message ad delivered to the member's inbox SPONSORED_MESSAGE - Conversation ad containing a tree of pre-determined messages delivered to the member's inbox SPONSORED_VIDEO - Sponsored videos.SPONSORED_UPDATE_CAROUSEL - Sponsored CarouselsFOLLOW_COMPANY_V2 - Dynamic Follow AdSPOTLIGHT_V2 - Dynamic Spotlight AdJOBS_V2 - Dynamic Job Ad |
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Creative Title Title of the creative |
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Creative Subject Subject of the creative |
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Creative Description Description of the creative |
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Creative destination URL Destination URL of the creative |
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Creative ad preview URL URL preview of the ads |
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Creative Ad Thumbnail Thumbnail |
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Creative Reference Type Creative Reference Type |
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Creative Reference ID Creative Reference ID |
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Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. |
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Platform Name Return the platform name |
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CPC (USD) Cost per Clicks in USD |
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CPC (Local Currency) Cost per Clicks in Local Currency |
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CPM (USD) Cost per 1000 Impressions in USD |
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CPM (Local Currency) Cost per 1000 Impressions in Local Currency |
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CTR Clicks-through Rate |