Account ID | Field ID | account/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Account Company | Field ID | account/company | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Level | Field ID | account/level | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Website | Field ID | account/website | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Plugin Campaign ID | Field ID | account/plugin_campaign_id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Account Address One | Field ID | account/address1 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Address Two | Field ID | account/address2 | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account City | Field ID | account/city | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account State | Field ID | account/state | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Zip | Field ID | account/zip | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Account Territory | Field ID | account/territory | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Country | Field ID | account/country | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Phone | Field ID | account/phone | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Fax | Field ID | account/fax | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Account Created At | Field ID | account/created_at | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Account Updated At | Field ID | account/updated_at | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Year Year such as 2017. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR | Type | YEAR | Data Type | dimension |
Year Quarter Year and quarter. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_QUARTER | Type | YEAR_QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Year month Year and month. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH | Type | YEAR_MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Year week Year and week. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_WEEK | Type | YEAR_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Date Year, month, and day. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Year month day hour Year, month, day, and hour. | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR | Data Type | dimension |
Quarter of the year Quarter of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_QUARTER | Type | QUARTER | Data Type | dimension |
Month of the year Month of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH | Type | MONTH | Data Type | dimension |
Week of the year Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_WEEK | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Week of the year (start Sunday) Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_WEEK_START_SUNDAY | Type | WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Month and day Month and day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_MONTH_DAY | Type | MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the week Week of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY_OF_WEEK | Type | DAY_OF_WEEK | Data Type | dimension |
Day of the month Day of the year | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_DAY | Type | DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Hour of the day Hour of the day | Field ID | _NORMALIZED_DATE_FIELD_HOUR | Type | HOUR | Data Type | dimension |
Activity ID | Field ID | activity/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Created At | Field ID | activity/createdAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Updated At | Field ID | activity/updatedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Custom Redirect ID | Field ID | activity/customRedirectId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Details | Field ID | activity/details | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Email ID | Field ID | activity/emailId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Email Template ID | Field ID | activity/emailTemplateId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity File ID | Field ID | activity/fileId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Form Handler ID | Field ID | activity/formHandlerId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Form ID | Field ID | activity/formId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Landing Page ID | Field ID | activity/landingPageId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity List Email ID | Field ID | activity/listEmailId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Multivariate Test Variation ID | Field ID | activity/multivariateTestVariationId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Opportunity ID | Field ID | activity/opportunityId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Paid Search Ad ID | Field ID | activity/paidSearchAdId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Site Search Query ID | Field ID | activity/siteSearchQueryId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Type Name | Field ID | activity/typeName | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Type | Field ID | activity/type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Activity Page View ID | Field ID | activity/visitorPageViewId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign ID | Field ID | campaign/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Name | Field ID | campaign/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Cost | Field ID | campaign/cost | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Created At | Field ID | campaign/createdAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Campaign Updated At | Field ID | campaign/updatedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Email ID | Field ID | email/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Email Sent At | Field ID | email/sentAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Email Client Type | Field ID | email/clientType | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Email List ID | Field ID | email/listId | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Email Name | Field ID | email/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Email Subject | Field ID | email/subject | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity ID | Field ID | opportunity/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Created At | Field ID | opportunity/createdAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Updated At | Field ID | opportunity/updatedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Name | Field ID | opportunity/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Probability | Field ID | opportunity/probability | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Stage | Field ID | opportunity/stage | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Status | Field ID | opportunity/status | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Type | Field ID | opportunity/type | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Opportunity Value | Field ID | opportunity/value | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect ID | Field ID | prospect/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Created At | Field ID | prospect/createdAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Updated At | Field ID | prospect/updatedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Campaign | Field ID | prospect/campaignParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Salesforce Campaign ID | Field ID | prospect/salesforceCampaignId | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Content | Field ID | prospect/contentParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Converted At | Field ID | prospect/convertedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Converted From Object Name | Field ID | prospect/convertedFromObjectName | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Converted From Object Type | Field ID | prospect/convertedFromObjectType | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Do Not Sell | Field ID | prospect/doNotSell | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Salesforce Account ID | Field ID | prospect/salesforceAccountId | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Salesforce Contact ID | Field ID | prospect/salesforceContactId | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Salesforce Last Sync | Field ID | prospect/salesforceLastSync | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Salesforce Lead ID | Field ID | prospect/salesforceLeadId | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Email Bounced At | Field ID | prospect/emailBouncedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Email Bounced Reason | Field ID | prospect/emailBouncedReason | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect First Activity At | Field ID | prospect/firstActivityAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect First Assigned At | Field ID | prospect/firstAssignedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect First Referrer Query | Field ID | prospect/firstReferrerQuery | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect First Referrer Type | Field ID | prospect/firstReferrerType | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect First Referrer URL | Field ID | prospect/firstReferrerUrl | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Grade | Field ID | prospect/grade | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Is Deleted | Field ID | prospect/isDeleted | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Is Email Hard Bounced | Field ID | prospect/isEmailHardBounced | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Last Activity At | Field ID | prospect/lastActivityAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Medium | Field ID | prospect/mediumParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Source | Field ID | prospect/sourceParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Term | Field ID | prospect/termParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Salesforce URL | Field ID | prospect/salesforceUrl | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Recent Interaction | Field ID | prospect/recentInteraction | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Account ID | Field ID | prospect_account/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Account Name | Field ID | prospect_account/name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visit ID | Field ID | visit/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Created At | Field ID | visit/createdAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Updated At | Field ID | visit/updatedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Visitor Page View Count | Field ID | visit/visitorPageViewCount | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Visit First Visitor Page View At | Field ID | visit/firstVisitorPageViewAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Last Visitor Page View At | Field ID | visit/lastVisitorPageViewAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Duration | Field ID | visit/durationInSeconds | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Campaign | Field ID | visit/campaignParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Medium | Field ID | visit/mediumParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Source | Field ID | visit/sourceParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Content | Field ID | visit/contentParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visit Term | Field ID | visit/termParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor ID | Field ID | visitor/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Created At | Field ID | visitor/createdAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Updated At | Field ID | visitor/updatedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Campaign | Field ID | visitor/campaignParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Content | Field ID | visitor/contentParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Do Not Sell | Field ID | visitor/doNotSell | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Hostname | Field ID | visitor/hostname | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor IP Address | Field ID | visitor/ipAddress | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Medium | Field ID | visitor/mediumParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View Count | Field ID | visitor/pageViewCount | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Source | Field ID | visitor/sourceParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Term | Field ID | visitor/termParameter | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Is Identified | Field ID | visitor/isIdentified | Type | BOOLEAN | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View ID | Field ID | visitor_page_view/id | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View Created At | Field ID | visitor_page_view/createdAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View Updated At | Field ID | visitor_page_view/updatedAt | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View URL | Field ID | visitor_page_view/url | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View Title | Field ID | visitor_page_view/title | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View Duration | Field ID | visitor_page_view/durationInSeconds | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Visitor Page View Salesforce ID | Field ID | visitor_page_view/salesforceId | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |
Prospect Score | Field ID | prospect/score | Type | NUMBER | Data Type | dimension |
Extracted Date The date where the extraction take times. | Field ID | _catchr_date_extract | Type | YEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECOND | Data Type | dimension |
Platform Name Return the platform name | Field ID | _catchr_platform_name | Type | TEXT | Data Type | dimension |