Google My Business Overview

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Google My Busjness template for PowerBI, be ready to follow your evolution in no-time!

What I can do with this Power BI Template ?

Template Google My Business V2

Get your Google My Business information to PowerBI easily thanks to this template! Create your requests, download the template and your ready to share a custom report !

Page 1 : Google My Business

Metrics display :

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  • Average Rating, Total reviews, Total Answsers
  • Website Visits, Phone calss, Post Views.

Breakdown :

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  • Reviewer Name, Reviewer Photo, Review Created time Review Updated time, Text Review, Review rating.
  • Question Text, Question Upvote count, Answer text, Answer Upvote count.

Required Dimensions an Metrics for this template:

Request Url Reviews:


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  • Star Rating
  • Review Created time
  • Review Updated time
  • Text Review



Request Url Views:


  • Reviewer name
  • Star Rating
  • Review Created time
  • Review Updated time
  • Text Review



Request Url Questions:


  • Question Text
  • Question Author Name
  • Question Created Time
  • Answer Text
  • Question Upvote Count
  • Answer Upvote Count



Go to this page to build your requests.

Select at least the fields listed above if you want the template to work on the PowerBI desktop automatically.

How to use ? 

Authorize Google Data Studio

#1 : Download

Download the template on this page from the download button.

Download PowerBI desktop then import the template from File -> Import -> PowerBI Template.

#2 : Link your data source

Create the request on Catchr

Go to, then on the API menu, create your request by selecting your platform, account, metrics, dimensions, and period.

Once the request is rightfully configured, copy the URL in PowerBI format.
Authorize Google Data Studio
Create web data PowerBI

#3 : Configure PowerBI

Create your new web data source on PowerBI desktop.

On PowerBI desktop, go to Home -> Get Data -> Web, stay in basics mode, and paste the URL copied in the preceding step.

Check your new data source with the Power Query editor and adapt it to your needs.

To finish, click on Close and Apply at the top left.

Why use PowerBI ?

Simplified Data Analysis

Dive into your data with Power BI's intuitive interface. Our templates make it effortless to connect sources, interpret insights, and visualize results.

Whether you're a beginner or an expert, Power BI empowers you to make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Dashboard from template
Use Catchr as your data connector

Seamless Integration

Power BI flawlessly integrates with a wide range of data sources. Our templates are designed to ensure you maximize this potential.

From Excel sheets to cloud-based databases, bring all your data together in one unified platform for a holistic view.

View all integrations

Customizable & Scalable

Adapt our Power BI template to fit your unique needs.

With an array of customization options, you can tailor visualizations, create interactive dashboards, and scale your reports as your data grows.

Experience flexibility that grows with your ambitions.

Share and collaborate for your reporting

Frequently Asked Questions

This is where all the answers to your questions are.

How can I connect my accounts to the template ?

First, create your data sources on PowerBI, then make a copy of the template and give it your newly created data sources.
Feel free to contact us so we can help you setting it up.

Can I edit it to fit my needs ?

Sure ! You just need to copy the template to be the owner. You can then change everything you needs.
Do not hesitate to ask for our help. We are used to find metrics and dimensions for our users.

Can I share a template with my team ?

You can share a template with who ever you want with the URL. It is accessible for one who have the URL.
Once you copy a template and become the owner, you can choose who can see and who can edit.
The is no limitation in the sharing of your reports.

Can I use a template with my free trial ?

Of course you can ! All of our services are fully accessible with the free trial.
Ask for help, we can create your reports, give you a tour of the alerting system or just chat about business oportunities.

How many reports can I have for my accounts ?

You can create as much as reports as you need. There is no restriction on the number of reports or the number or sharing.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is where all the answers to your questions are.

Contact Us

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