blog post

Level Up Your Email Marketing with Mailchimp + Google Analytics

Florian Cabirol
October 9, 2023
Level Up Your Email Marketing with Mailchimp + Google Analytics

Quick steps to create a report with Google Sheets:

You can easiliy create a report following this step :

  1. Get informations from the data integration from our connector.
  2. Create a source on
  3. Download our Google Sheets extensions.
  4. Configure and run your request
If you need more informations, you can follow the tutorial.

How to install Google Sheets Catchr Add-on.

To start exporting your data to Google Sheets, you need to install the Catchr add-on. You currently have two options :

Option A: Via the marketplace:

  1. Visit the Catchr Add-on page on the Google Workspace Marketplace and click "Install."
  2. Grant the necessary permissions for the add-on.
  3. Upon successful installation, open a Google Sheets to proceed.
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Install Catchr Google Sheets Add-on

Option B: Directly within a Google Sheets:

  1. Open a new Google Sheets.
  2. In the top menu, click "Extensions", then hover over "Add-ons" and select "Get add-ons."
  3. Search for "Catchr" and choose "Catchr - data connector."
  4. Click "Install" and grant the required permissions.
  5. Close the installation pop-up when completed.
  6. Start using the Catchr add-on.
Install Catchr Add-on for Google Sheets
Install Catchr Add-on for Google Sheets

Once you have installed the add-on, you can start making requests.

The tutorial

Quick steps to create a report with Looker Studio:

You can easiliy create a report following this step :

  1. Get informations from the data integration from our connector.
  2. Create a datasource and new report on Looker Studio.
  3. Choose your metrics and dimensions.
  4. Use charts with your metrics and dimensions.
If you need more informations, you can follow the tutorial. You can also find a template for at the end of the page.

The tutorial

Quick steps to create a report with PowerBI:

You can easiliy create a report following this step :

  1. Get informations from the data integration from our connector.
  2. Create a source on
  3. Configure your request on the PowerBI request manager.
  4. Copy the given URL in PowerBI
If you need more informations, you can follow the tutorial. You can also find a template for at the end of the page.

The tutorial

Email marketing is still a total boss when it comes to connecting with peeps online. Mailchimp is one of the top dogs for email - it's got all the analytics you could want for your campaigns. But you can take it up a notch by bringing Google Analytics into the mix!

Connecting Mailchimp and GA gives you mega insights that can seriously pump up your email game. This comprehensive guide will break it down so you can fully understand and maximize the benefits of this powerful combo.

See the full picture with combined metrics

Here's an awesome advantage - when you integrate Mailchimp and GA, you get the full scope of metrics from both platforms blended together in one place!

Mailchimp shows you critical email campaign performance stats - opens, clicks, unsubscribes, spam reports, the whole shebang. But Google Analytics fills in what happens after someone clicks your email link - did they bounce right away? Move on to another page? Sign up for your webinar? Make a purchase?

By combining metrics from both Mailchimp and GA, you can gain invaluable insights into not just how well your campaign performed, but also how readers actually engaged once they reached your website. This complete picture allows you to accurately evaluate the ROI and conversion value of your emails.

You send out a promotional email announcing a sale on new hoodies. Mailchimp stats show 1000 people opened the email and 200 clicked through to your site. But when you look at GA, you see that 50 of those clicks resulted in a hoodie purchase. This reveals the true conversion rate and revenue generated by the campaign, which Mailchimp data alone wouldn't provide.

Get specific with segmented audiences

Here's an advanced tip - importing your Google Analytics data into Mailchimp allows you to divide and segment your audience into highly targeted lists and groups.

How so? Google Analytics tracks detailed website usage patterns - what pages visitors browsed, which blog posts they read, which products they viewed or added to cart, and much more. You can leverage this intel to create laser-focused user segments in Mailchimp.

Then when you send emails, you can target each segment with ultra-relevant content and offers tailored specifically to their interests and behavior. Segmented campaigns boost engagement and conversions!

Your Google Analytics shows a subset of site visitors always browse hiking backpacks and trekking poles but bounce without buying. You can create a "Hiking Enthusiasts" audience segment in Mailchimp and send them special discount promos on outdoor gear and apparel. Highly targeted emails based on observed interests perform far better!

A/B testing on steroids

Both Mailchimp and Google Analytics have robust A/B testing capabilities built-in. But integrating the two takes your split testing to an advanced level!

Mailchimp provides click and open rate data to tell you which email variant performed better. However, Google Analytics reveals what visitors actually did after clicking from your email onto your website - did Variant A or Variant B drive more sign-ups? More purchases? More time on site?

Only GA can show which email version ultimately led to more goal completions and conversions on your website. This is crucial to making informed optimization decisions!

You test "Shop Now" vs "Learn More" call-to-action buttons in a product launch email. Mailchimp reports "Shop Now" gets a slightly higher click rate. But when you look at GA, you see "Learn More" led to far higher rates of free trial sign-ups after email recipients reached the landing page. The additional post-click insights clearly show "Learn More" is the better performing variant.

Map the complete user journey

Google Analytics allows you to analyze the entire customer journey across multiple channels - organic traffic, social, paid search, email, and more. Integrating Mailchimp campaign data fills a critical gap that shows exactly how your emails guide people through their journey on your site.

You gain visibility into email's impact at guiding visitors along each step of the conversion funnel. This reveals where to focus and optimize.

Google Analytics shows many site visitors arrive organically, browse products, but leave without purchasing. However, after receiving your abandoned cart email reminder, a significant portion of those users return and complete checkouts.

These insights help you understand that your email, although not the initial traffic source, plays a pivotal role in driving conversions by re-engaging dropped off users. This demonstrates the value of allocating resources to optimize your email funnels.

Maximize engagement and loyalty

Beyond standard email stats of opens, clicks, etc - Google Analytics provides a treasure trove of data on how visitors actually engage with your brand before and after receiving your emails.

Do they spend time reading your blog content? Browse and revisit certain categories? Click through to related products and recommendations? This reveals meaningful insights around content interests and buying signals.

You can leverage this knowledge to create more compelling emails and website experiences matched to what your audience responds to. This fosters brand loyalty!

GA shows subscribers who interacted with Product A on your website consistently open and click your related Product A emails. It signals a high level of interest in that topic among those users.

You can nurture their engagement by featuring more Product A content in both your email and website content strategy. When you align content with observed interests, you keep subscribers hooked!

Let’s reveal more key advantages

Linking these two powerful platforms unlocks multifold benefits that can maximize the impact of your email campaigns on both engagement and your bottom line. Here are the 10 most important key advantages of linking Mailchimp to Google Analytics:

  1. Get a complete view of email campaign performance - see email stats like opens, clicks along with post-click website actions like transactions, sign-ups, etc. 
  2. Track email attribution and ROI more accurately by seeing which email efforts directly influenced website conversions. 
  3. Create targeted email segments based on website behavioral data like pages visited, products viewed, etc. from GA.
  4.  Inform email content strategy using engagement data from GA like time on site, repeat visits by email subscribers. 
  5. Enhance A/B testing by determining which email version led to more desired outcomes on-site. 
  6. Analyze the user journey across email and website channels to optimize multi-channel funnels. 
  7. Identify your most engaged email subscribers based on their on-site behaviors for further personalization. 
  8. Gauge the impact of email on driving loyalty and retention based on subscriber site activity over time.
  9.  Troubleshoot issues with email to website tracking by comparing GA and Mailchimp data. 
  10.  Save time and hassle by centrally accessing integrated Mailchimp and GA data in one dashboard.

Key Takeaways

In summary, integrating Mailchimp campaign data with Google Analytics is incredibly powerful for gaining a 360-degree view of your email marketing performance. By uniting disjointed datasets into one platform, you gain clarity into the complete visitor journey before and after your emails. This unlocks the ability to track ROI accurately, segment strategically, optimize through advanced testing, and increase engagement for the long haul.

This winning combo helps you send smarter emails that move the needle on KPIs like sales, sign-ups, loyalty, and beyond. Don't leave insights on the table - connect Mailchimp and Google Analytics to dominate email marketing and catapult your business growth!

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In this template, you will find all the metrics and dimensions you would need to get a better view of your data.

If you need more templates, you could look at our looker studio template gallery.

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In this template, you will find all the metrics and dimensions you would need to get a better view of your data thank to our integrations.

If you need more templates, you could look at our PowerBI template gallery.

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