Quick steps to create a report with Google Sheets:
You can easiliy create a report following this step :
Get informations from the data integration from our connector .
Create a source on catchr.io.
Download our Google Sheets extensions.
Configure and run your request
If you need more informations, you can follow the tutorial.
How to install Google Sheets Catchr Add-on.
To start exporting your data to Google Sheets, you need to install the Catchr add-on. You currently have two options :
Option A: Via the marketplace:
Visit the Catchr Add-on page on the Google Workspace Marketplace and click "Install." Grant the necessary permissions for the add-on. Upon successful installation, open a Google Sheets to proceed. Install Catchr Google Sheets Add-on
Option B: Directly within a Google Sheets:
Open a new Google Sheets. In the top menu, click "Extensions", then hover over "Add-ons" and select "Get add-ons." Search for "Catchr" and choose "Catchr - data connector." Click "Install" and grant the required permissions. Close the installation pop-up when completed. Start using the Catchr add-on. Install Catchr Add-on for Google Sheets Once you have installed the add-on, you can start making requests.
The tutorial Looker Studio is an amazing tool to display your data, but it can be a bit of a pain when you need to merge data from different platforms.
Here is a 2-steps tutorial to compare spend on 2 platforms with a blended data sources and a chart pie :
1 - Create a blended data source
2 - Create a custom fields to merge accounts and spends.
Create your blended data sources : Go to Resource → Manage blends → Add a new blend .
Select both data sources required, put the Account Name in dimension and Spend in metrics then save.
Your blended data source should look like this :
Join should look like this :
Create a custom fields : In a pie chart, you need to create a new dimension and a new metric :
New dimension :
Formula :
if(CONTAINS_TEXT( Account Descriptive Name,"GAds"),"Google Ads", if(CONTAINS_TEXT(Account Name,"pub"),"Facebook Ads","N/A"))
Thanks to this formula, I aggregate and rename my Google Ads account name to "Google Ads" and my Facebook Ads account name to "Facebook Ads"
(you will need to change "GAds" and "pub" by text include in your Google Ads and Facebook Ads accounts names).
New metric :
Formula :
IFNULL(Investment (Google Ads),Investment (Facebook Ads))
Final Pie Chart :
This tutorial in video : VIDEO
Do you need help in Looker Studio ? Contact us on the chat or at johan@catchr.io, we can help you design great reports !